11 Proven Actions to Loss Weight Without Exercise

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11 proven actions to loss weight without exercise…

Hello dear friends,

Do you Want to reduce your belly fat ?

Do you fail many times in such things as reducing weight ?

Then Don’t worry about it because we bring you the evergreen, best and most effective exercises that you have to follow to reduce your weight and belly fat naturally at home.

We give you an exercise and routine to reduce your belly fat at a normal rate which can’t make any side effects.

“Fat is just a kind of fatty acids or mixture of such components.”

The fat generally found in our body is made up of three components these three components are called, ‘triglycerides’.

Some of the fat that needs by the body is made up by the body but there’s rise issue when no such fat is made up in the body.

As we know that we all have to maintain our BMI(Body Mass Index) these unit say us what your body says about you.

Whether you need to lose weight or increase your weight.

BMI is calculated by a person’s weight in Kg divides by the square of height in meters.

BMI is divided into five categories that are underweight, Normal weight, Overweight, Obese, and Extremely obese.

Here we give you an image so you can easily understand whether you need to reduce or rise your weight.

11 proven actions to loss weight without exercise

So, after checking if you found that you have to reduce your weight then let’s go for reduce our weight at home Naturally.

Here we give you different techniques to reduce your weight effectively and there are no side effects to these tricks.


Let’s begin !

11 proven actions to loss weight without exercise


》Method No. 1 :- Drink plenty of water.

Dear friends, As we know that our bodies are made up of 75 % of water.

Water is essential for our whole body, when considering to lose your weight water can play an important role.

As water can absorb and flush out the unnecessary fats that are stored in our bodies.

Just because of changing water drinking patterns and due to more amount of water, you can significantly lose weight you don’t expect before.

We already post a blog on how to drink water so that can give you maximum benefits.

11 proven actions to loss loss weight without exercise
11 Proven Actions to Loss Weight Without Exercise

Q:- How many calories water can burn?

A:- One study shows that you can easily burn out your 50 calories per 1.5 litres of water because water is a total calorie-less essential liquid.


Q:- Tell me Some of the Good habits of water drinking:-

– Just after waking up drinking warm water will give you tremendous advantages on your weight.

– Drink Just 40 minutes before a meal, will increase your digestive system.

– Drinking just 40 minutes after a meal will help you to wash out your stomach.


》Method No. 2:- Gentle Exercises.

This is a very important method when you look to lose weight.

If you are not good at following an exercise chart then it will be great for you that you don’t have to follow strict rules but you just have to follow gentle exercise.

We’re Not saying that you have to follow any exercise chart or follow a daily 1 hours of exercise routine but at least for our body we can do gentle exercise that you can do for 20-30 minutes a day.


Q:- Does gentle exercise can reduce belly fat?

A:- Yes, you can easily reduce your weight by adopting a habit of gentle exercise daily.

11 proven actions to loss loss weight without exercise
11 Proven Actions to Loss Weight Without Exercise

Q:- Give me a list of gentle exercises:-

A:- Here we share with you a list of gentle exercises that you can do and will give you shocking benefits.

– Cycling.

– Running.

– Stretching.

– Swimming.

– skating.

– Sun salutation.

You can check effective gentle exercise from below link.

Check HERE.

》Method No. 3:- Good sleep.

We’ll sleep is the need of both mind and body but when you think about sleep’s effects on our body then you can easily understand that sleep play’s an important role to control your weight.


Not getting enough sleep or inconsistent sleep can increase your weight and BMI.

One study collecting sleeping data from 1,00000 people show that those Person who takes inconsistent sleep is found with higher BMI and person who has consistent sleep pattern has low BMI.

11 proven actions to loss loss weight without exercise
11 Proven Actions to Loss Weight Without Exercise

If you want to know the best and most effective sleep patterns for your age then read HERE.

Other than weight, Poor sleep patterns have the number of health problems given below.

– Coronary artery disease.

– Obesity.

– Increase the chance of heart attack.

– increase the chance of Diabetes.

– Hypertension.

– Stress brain.


》Method No. 4:- Chew your food.

Dear friends, It is the first step of your digestive system, do it the right way and then leave it for internal organs.

Chewing your food for a minimum of 30 time’s give you tremendous benefit for your digestive system.

Without chewing our digestive system can’t extract more nutrients from foods.

As you chew your food your digestive system wants less energy to digest food and get nutrients from food.

To improve the digestion system we have to chew our food 32 times so it will become a proper slurry to consume by the digestive system.


》Method No. 5:- Diet plan.

Dear friends, the diet plan is necessary for our whole body even weight loss management.

A diet plan includes the right and suitable foods for your health and Body weight.

11 proven actions to loss loss weight without exercise
11 Proven Actions to Loss Weight Without Exercise

We all must have to follow a diet in which we have to eat fewer calories and less cholesterol level food.

We all must have to intake of foods that are rich in fibre, zinc, vitamin C, Vitamin D and iron.


List of food to lose weight.

– Cucumber.

-Milk paneer

– Mixed salad.

– Fruits.

– Carrot.

– Green tea.

– oats.

– Apple

– Curd.


》Method No. 6:- Avoid Junk food.

Dear friends,

If we bought a car, we think about its part to work better and for this, we charge the best and latest oil, and fuel and take care of it.

We care for the car but we don’t aware of our digestive system, how it will be better for us and how we take care of the digestive system.

11 proven actions to loss loss weight without exercise
11 Proven Actions to Loss Weight Without Exercise

Dear friends, junk foods are foods that are hard to digest by the system.

Junk food is low-fibre and consists of trans fat and saturated fat.

Junk food stays in the stomach for a long time as normal food so there is starting issue of bloating, obesity, and constipation.


》Method No. 7:- Avoid sugar intake.

Dear friends,

Consumption of sugar can make your body energetic but more consumption of sugar can lead to increased chances of 13 different types of cancer.

11 proven actions to loss loss weight without exercise
11 Proven Actions to Loss Weight Without Exercise

More sugar intake can be challenging for your whole body as it increases the chance of Diabetes and also increase weight.

So, avoid all processed food, and milk products as they have more sugar.


》Method No. 8:- Green Tea.

Dear friends, green tea will be the evergreen medicine to lose weight.

Green tea can increase your metabolism and increase the fat-burning process.

A Study shows that if a person regularly drinks green tea then they get to reduce their weight, almost all studies have not proven to reduce weight by green tea so it may depend on the individual and how the study was set up.


》Method No. 9:- Eat vegetables and fruit.

Dear friends, Eating a vegetable and fruit can be a crucial part of your weight loss willingness.

As above here, the same concept will apply as we all have to eat fruits that are rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

11 proven actions to loss loss weight without exercise
11 Proven Actions to Loss Weight Without Exercise

Dietary fibre can significantly increase your gut bacteria help to increase your digestive system, increase metabolism, and lower your blood pressure.

Q:- Give a List of foods and vegetables to reduce belly fat.

A:- Food


– Kiwi

– Pineapple

– Lemon

– Strawberries

– Watermelons

– Apple

– Grapes



– Cucumber

– Cauliflower

– Carrot

– Broccoli

– Lemon

– Peas

– Spinach


》Method No. 10:- Eat mindfully

Eating mindfully is the trick to digesting more than normal digestion.

We all have a bad habit of watching mobile phones, laptops, Tv, and computer or talking to somebody.

This Habit leads to poor digestion of our food.

If we have a meal with the proper focus on it then it will be great for us because as we heard that our mind doesn’t work multi-task.

So eat your meal mindfully and make it easier to digest for your system.

So it is better for your weight loss management.


》Method No. 11:- Reduce Smoking and alcoholic beverages.

Dear friends,

As we know that smoking and alcohol consumption can be dangerous for our life.

Smoking is associated with the stomach ulcer,

Increase surgeries with ulcerative colitis.

Quitting smoking can help you to make your digestive system strong.

11 proven actions to loss loss weight without exercise
11 Proven Actions to Loss Weight Without Exercise

Alcohol consumption can lead to increase acid production and you may feel acidity, stomach pain, and stomach ulcer.

Note :- Do you know that you can easily reduce your weight effectively by consuming these soups.

Check HERE.



Friends all time it is not important for us that we must have to follow strict rules for exercises and follow an intense list of exercises or go to the gym but here we give you the different strategies that can effectively reduce your weight and these all techniques are very good to include in your habit.


Adhering to the above technique will surely give you a slimmer body and reduce your weight as you want but one most important things are CONSISTENCY.


Do not forget that CONSISTENCY IS KEY to success.


So it is all about how your fat reduces your weight at home Naturally without intense exercise.

We, hope that you are getting so many benefits from our blog.

Stay healthy!

Be happy!

Thank you..

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