12 effective ways to treat high blood pressure at home

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12 effective ways to treat high blood pressure at home…

Now, blood pressure is not going to be a common problem.

》Introduction :-

Hello dear friends ,

In now a days a problems of diabetes, blood pressure, excessive fat, cholesterol etc are the common and very dangerous problems for healthy lifestyle.

We all have to do is regulate our routine life style and put some things off to do and we have a fully control on this common problem.

In now a days stress, anxiety and extra load of work is increases but we are forgot to take care of our inner system, inner body , our inner core parts and functions of the body.

High Blood pressure showing image
High blood pressure

Dear friends, our blood pressure is measured in millimeter of mercury which is abbreviated as mmHg.

There are two different numbers are involved in blood pressure terms.

• 1 = Systolic blood pressure.
• 2 = Diastolic blood pressure.

• 1 = Systolic blood pressure is the top number of blood pressure results which is represents “the pressure acting on blood during circulation through our blood vessels”.

• 2 = Diastolic blood pressure is the pressure acting on walls of blood vessels when your heart is rest between beating.

Blood pressure is the term through which we can define how healthy our heart is.

Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure chart
How to reduce high blood pressure by ForajCreation.

Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg.

Different categories of the blood pressure is shown in below image.

Our blood pressure is depends on how much our heart is pumping and how much our blood is facing resistance during flow in to the vessels.

Blood pressure above the 130/80 is considered as the high blood pressure.

If you have blood pressure between 120/80 mmHg – 130/80 mmHg then you are fall in to the categories of elevated blood pressure.

A good things of the elevated pressure is you can make a control on it by making some changes at home.

This all technique are home remedies and naturally control our blood pressure.

Below discussed point going to be really helpful for you if you follow it for minimum 15 days and maximum as your wish.

So, dear Friends let’s talk about how we can control our blood pressure at home without any consultants.

So let’s begin !!

• 1 . Exercise :-
• 2. Try Meditation :-
• 3. Consume less sugar :-
• 4. Eat more pottasium based food:-
• 5. Consume less sodium :-
• 6. Reduce smoking and any other  habit :-
• 7. Chocolates :-
• 8. Try to laugh out louder :-
• 9. Eat garlic :-
• 10. Drink less alcohol :-
• 11. Swimming and bicycling :-
• 12 . Loss your weight if you have a high BMI.
• 13. Less stress.

So let’s discuss one by one and simply define all above points.

Ways to control high blood pressure naturally…

• 1. Exercise :-  

》As we know that exercise is not single problem solution but it is the one technique that can give you bulk of benefits.

A meta analysis shows that a Regular exercise can significantly reduce your blood pressure.

By doing regular exercise you can reduce your blood pressure by 4.5 percent of Systolic and 5 percent of Diastolic blood pressure.

Exercises that can reduce your high blood pressure
Exercises that can reduce your high blood pressure

A Habit of exercise can help you to reduce your blood pressure as same as medication.

So, do regular exercise and be fit and healthy.


2.  Try Meditation :- 

》As we always talk you to do a Regular exercise and meditation.

Once again here we found a very big benefit’s of meditation which is meditation can reduce our blood pressure .

For, how to do a mediation you have to visit our other post that is

“Entire information on meditation”

Meditation can reduce your high blood pressure
Meditation can reduce your high blood pressure

Meditation has the one power to reduce your blood pressure by reducing your level of stress and anxieties.

By doing meditation and yoga you can reduce your blood pressure by 3.62 mmHg of Systolic blood pressure and 4.17 mmHg of Diastolic blood pressure.


• 3. Less sugar :- 

》Many studies shows that more consume of sugar can effectively increase the weight and blood pressure .

One of sugar substitute is can make you blood pressure highr than a salt.

A sugar can inhibits the production of Nitric oxide , a nitric oxide is useful in vasodilation(expansion of blood vessels).

No sugar to living healthy

If our nitric oxide is not presence in body then our blood vessels can become narrow which is known as vasoconstriction.

So cut back on sugar and be better and live healthy.


• 4. Eat more pottasium and less sodium:- 

》Intake of sodium or salt can increase our blood pressure by some extent level.

A pottasium can reduces effects of sodium on blood pressure.

Intake less sodium

Some of people is sensitive to sodium intake for them a sodium is dangerous for blood pressure but some of people can excrete it in their urine.

Some time consumption of pottasium can increase health hazard of kidney and lungs, so consult before consume more potassium.

Pottasium rich foods

Some of food that contains pottasium is given below :-

▪︎ Tomatoes

▪︎ Sweet potatoes

▪︎ Greens

▪︎ Spinach

▪︎ Bananas

▪︎ Oranges

▪︎ Fish

▪︎ Milk

▪︎ Yogurt


• 5. Reduce smoking :- 

》Studies shows that a person who has a habit of smoking by default he has the higher blood pressure.

Less your smoking.

The chemicals in tobacco can cause the damaging your arteries walls, narrow of arteries, inflammation can occur so after long time our blood pressure is increases


• 6 :- Eat Chocolate :-

》A eating of chocolate may be affects the tooth muscle strength but eating of dark chocolate can control your higher blood pressure if you eat chocolate in limit.

Benefit of eating dark chocolate

• 7. Try laughing louder :- 

》Yes friends, this is one of the best technique to reduce your blood pressure,laughing can reduce our stress level at some extent level so it can be use in reducing blood pressure.

Laugh out louder exercise

Try to do this exercise at home for 5 minutes only and you have the difference in stress level.

How to do this exercise :- Juat raise your hands and laugh out loud as you can.

• 8. Eat garlic :- 

》Eating of garlic with any Indian subzi is the best solution to reduce your blood pressure.

One analysis says that Eating of garlic can reduce your Systolic blood pressure by 5 mmHg and Diastolic blood pressure by 2.5 mmHg.

Eat more garlic

• 9. Drink less alcohol :- 

》Drinking of alcohol can increase your blood pressure even if you are healthy .

Alcohol can increase your blood pressure by 1 mmHg for each 10 gm of alcohol.

Drink less alcohol

• 10. Swimming and bicycling :- 

》Swimming and bicycling is the one of the best exercise for you to burn out your calories.

Swimming is the known as calorie burn machine.

Swimming, running and bicycling

Swimming and bicycling is the best for your health of heart.

It can lower your blood pressure and maintain it.


11 . Loss your weight if you have a high BMI.

》 Bmi is the body to mass index.

It shows that how much does your weight should be as per your weight of body.

If you have high BMI means your body are having a fat, which must should to remove .


High BMI causes blood pressure will increase so, do exercise and yoga to burn out you fat.


• 12. Less stress

》As stress level of our mind increases ,then brain releases an hormones that can causes to speed up your heart rate and so it can causes to high blood pressure.

So, less your stress and be happy to control your high blood pressure.

Less your stress

If you want to know more about High blood pressure just see a video

So friends it is all about to how you can care your heart and heart rate so your blood pressure will be in control.

We hope that you have a great tips and tricks throughout our blog.

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Hi, I'm Raj, A passionate health, Wellness Promoter, and Health Professional with Extensive Experience In Health and Wellness. I Share Trusted, Researched Tips on Physical Health, Nutrition, And Overall Well-being. Join me for Practical Advice To Help You Live A Healthier, Happier Life. Let's Make Wellness A Priority Together!

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