List of Easy 8 exercise to Lose Your Weight at Home Easily

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List of Easy 8 exercise to lose your weight at home Easily…

Hello dear friends,
Today we’re going to tell you 8 exercise to lose your weight at home easily.

So, warm welcome to ForajCreation.

Let’s talk about it…

First Let’s know…

》 Why do you have to focus on exercise even if you are not extremely obese?
》Benefits of exercise?
》8 exercise to lose your weight at home easily
》How many calories will burn?
》How it will take a time to reduce your weight?

So, after too much questioning let’s attend to all the questions one by one.


Dear friends,

In today’s world, there are just a few people that are doing exercises right now and this is just not an issue this is dangerous due to our today’s lifestyle.

According to TIME’S OF INDIA, it was found that almost one-third (64%) of Indians say that they are not doing any physical activity or exercise and 47 % say accept that physical activity is associated with a healthy lifestyle

While interestingly, only 37 % of them do exercises regularly, so now you can think that how much we lack exercise.

List of easy 8 exercise to lose your weight at home easily
List of Easy 8 exercise to Lose Your Weight at Home Easily

Most of the people around 37% of them reveal that lack of time is the main barrier to exercising.

If you want to manage your time effectively then just click here and you will redirect to our best post on HOW YOU CAN MANAGE TIME EFFECTIVELY.

For these, issues we all just think like
Let’s begin to spread awareness on how much we’re behind in doing exercise and how exercise should be the life of the part and make 8 exercise to lose your weight at home easily blog for you.

How to make it a habit so there not should be any barriers to doing exercises. If you care about your body then you must have to make a habit of exercising but how you will adopt exercise as a habit so your subconscious mind always is active to do exercises.

HERE you can check how to make a HABIT and broke some bad habits.

》 Why do you have to focus on exercise even if you are not extremely obese?

Dear friends, Many times it will happen to ourselves that we just think why I do exercise because I’m slimy or not having enough weight but friends let me explain this exercise is not about having weight or not it is all about how your body stays healthy by doing exercises.

Exercise is not made for losing belly fat or losing your overall weight, Exercise is made just because we stay healthy, we feel energetic whole day, there not should be any reason that prevents us to do any task, just because we’re not physically active.

Exercise should be a part of life means it must have to adopt as a habit.

Let’s know Important of exercise that will keep you motivated to do any physical activity for your health.

》Importance of exercises:-

Dear friends, As time passes our lifestyle becomes very worthless or rude.

We’re eating too many items that are not healthy for us by means of physically or mentally, Eating junk food or processed food will stimulate different diseases.

Our lifestyle doesn’t involve any physical activity and we’re doing any tasks that are connected with physical activity as people do just 2-3 decades before(they don’t need to exercise because they are connected with physical work).

You can see the benefits of exercise that will boost your motivation by doing exercises let’s check.

》Benefits of Exercises:-

– It will regulate your mind and whole body.
– By doing regular exercises your blood flow mind will increase so your mind becomes more healthy.
– Reduce your physical health risk.
– Reduce your mental health risk.
– Increase your chances of living longer.
– Bones and muscles will become stronger.
– It will manage chronic health problems.
– Quality of sleep.
– Increase the health of the heart.
– Reduce anxiety and stress.
– Reduce the risk of diabetes.
– Reduce the risk of cancer.
– Aid in Weight-loss.
– Balance in your life and many more benefits.

For this we brings you 8 exercise to lose your weight at home easily

》List of exercises that can reduce your weight and belly fat.

Dear friends, As per my opinion as I doing regular exercise so I can say that you can have the below exercises to reduce your overall weight and belly fat.

As we focus on reducing weight and belly fat so we’re only discussing specific exercises that can reduce your weight and belly fat.


》No. 1:- Planks.

In the list of exercises that can help you, particularly in weight loss and reducing belly fat at home, the No. 1 position is acquired by Planks.

Planks are the first step of your exercise that can help you a lot to reduce belly fat and reduce your weight.

It is a very simple exercise to do.
No need of any things.
Very effective.

How to do it :-

– You just have to place your forearms on the floor, aligned just below your shoulders and parallel to your body at shoulder width.
– Straight your legs.
– Hold positions for 30 seconds for beginners, after some practice you can do it for 2-3 minutes.

List of easy 8 exercise to lose your weight at home easily
List of Easy 8 exercise to Lose Your Weight at Home Easily

☆ Benefits:-
– Excess benefits in reducing your belly fat.
– Whole body weight will lose.
– strengthen your whole body.

》No.2:- Mountain climber.

It is one variation of the plank exercise, it shows like climbing on a mountain.
It is a full-body exercise which targets your hamstring muscles, belly fat, cores, biceps, triceps and chest.

☆ How to do it:-

– Place your hands(palms) on the floor.
– Straight your legs.
– Now push your right legs knee towards your chest(note that touch your knee to chest as much you can )
– Push back as the initial position.
– Now push your left leg knee towards your chest.
– Push back its initial position.
– Increase your speed slowly.
– Do it 20 times for both legs.

List of easy 8 exercise to lose your weight at home easily
List of Easy 8 exercise to Lose Your Weight at Home Easily

☆ Benefits:-
– Full body exercise.
– Strengthen your whole body.
– Best for belly fat.


》No. 3:- Skipping or jumping ropes.

Effectively, an exercise that can reduce your weight loss in a very short period.
It is a complete body exercise that can
strengthen your whole body.
This exercise is very easy to do as you can easily do it regularly.

Depression and anxiety will go away if you do it regularly.

☆ How to do it:-

– Stand with your back straight.
– Ensure to keep your both legs together and straight.
– Place your hands behind you and withhold ropes in your hand.
– Now jump off and let pass your ropes from under your feet.
– Repeat this process as you can.


List of easy 8 exercise to lose your weight at home easily
List of Easy 8 exercise to Lose Your Weight at Home Easily

☆ Benefits:-
– Very effective and beneficial exercise.
– Increase your heart rate so your overall blood circulation will be high and it will be good for your whole body.
– Best exercise for the mind.
– Burn calories in a short time.
– Good to reduce your belly fat.
– Increase metabolism.

》No.4:- Push-ups

In the beginning, might you feel tired by doing this exercise but as you practice it you will get more confidence to do it.

This is a very beneficial exercise to reduce your belly fat and reduce your weight effectively.

This will also strengthen your muscles in the chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders and shoulders back.

☆ How to do it:-
– Place your hand on a flat surface.
– Make sure your hands facing forward and keep your hands slightly wider than your shoulder’s width.
– Keep your feet straight.
– keep your face in the forward direction.
– Now bend your elbow towards the floor(till your face touches the floor.
– Go back to the initial position.
– Repeat this process 20 times.

List of easy 8 exercise to lose your weight at home easily
List of Easy 8 exercise to Lose Your Weight at Home Easily

☆ Benefits:-
– Best for reducing your weight.
– best for the whole body.
– Best for belly fat.
– The targeted area is the biceps, triceps, shoulders and back of shoulders.
– Chest becomes strong.

》No.5:- Swimming

Dear friends, when you try this exercise then you will not feel that you are doing exercise because this exercise is a fun way to exercise.

Swimming is a very good fat burner exercise and very quick to reduce your weight.

Harvard Health estimates that a person of 70 kg can lose 215 calories by swimming for just half an hour.

☆ How to do it:-
– Well, it is difficult to say on the web how you can learn to swim but you must have to try carefully this exercise at your swimming pool.
– It is all about how you keep your body flat on the water.
– Move your hands from the front side to the backside, and keep trying to push back water so you can move forward.
– Try this for 10 minutes for beginners and you can do it for 20-30 minutes.

List of easy 8 exercise to lose your weight at home easily
List of Easy 8 exercise to Lose Your Weight at Home Easily

☆ Benefits:-
– Full body exercise.
– Relax your mind and body.
– Best for overall weight loss.

》No. 6:- Sun salutation.

One of the most effective and largely used exercises is the set of sun salutations.
This is a set of 12 different exercises and stretching of your body

Its focus on various part of our body and relieves extra fat that is accumulated.

It is my request to you all that please do the sun salutation at home you will find a very energetic and relaxed body.

☆ How to do:-

Here we’re giving you an image through understanding.
This image shows how to do surynamaskar at home.
All you need to ensure that stretching is the main thing of surynamaskar.

List of easy 8 exercise to lose your weight at home easily
List of Easy 8 exercise to Lose Your Weight at Home Easily

☆ Benefits:-
– Help in joints.
– Help in weight loss.
– Relax your whole body.
– Relax your mind.
– Useful in the menstruation cycle.
– Improve digestion system and many more.

》No. 7:- Running.

Friends Running is an evergreen exercise that is very useful in burning extra fat.

Due to Running your overall weight will be reduced and even if you don’t know your whole body’s strength will increase.
Running can relax your mind and increase blood flow in your whole body.

There is no substitute for Running exercise.

☆ How to do:-
– You can do it at home also Use the treadmill machine to run.
– You can outside to run. (Better)
– Run for 20 minutes slowly.

List of easy 8 exercise to lose your weight at home easily
List of Easy 8 exercise to Lose Your Weight at Home Easily

☆ Benefits:-

– Your mind becomes free from overthinking.
– Your overall body weight maintenance.
– Increase stamina of the body.
– Increase the strength of your body.
– Very efficient for weight loss.
– Increase the capacity of the lungs and many more.


》No.8:- Stair climbing.

Dear friends, stair climbing is also one of the best exercises that can lose weight effectively.
If you looking for weight loss then you should avoid the use of the lift to change your floor.

It is very good exercise for belly fat and the whole body.

☆ How to do it:-
– Just climb stairs as you want.
– descend the stair.
– Repeat this daily to lose weight.

List of easy 8 exercise to lose your weight at home easily

☆ Benefits:-
– Increase lung capacity.
– Best for belly fat.
– Work on the overall body.
– Strengthen your legs.
– Best for weight loss.


》How many calories will burn?

Dear friends, here we give you just an idea of burning calories on whatever you do from the above exercise.

This is a general idea of burning calories actual amount depends on a variety of factors like age, workout intensity, weight, fitness level etc.

Let’s see,

– Skipping ropes…1300 calories per hour.
– Mountain climb ….700 calories per hour.
– Swimming…600 calories …5 miles/hour
– Running…370 calories burned per hour.
– Push-ups….350 calories per half an hour.
– Planks …..300 calories per hour.
– Stair climbing….250 calories per 30 minutes.

So this is all about 8 exercise to lose your weight at home easily


We hope that you like “List of easy 8 exercise to lose your weight at home easily”.

Dear friends, Different exercises give you different results on fat and calories burned.

You must have to stick to different exercises to lose weight.

Are you know that for effective weight loss, you can’t depend on exercise only?

You must have to take a diet as per your diet plan and by following certain actions.

Here we give you the best ACTIONS to lose WEIGHTS NATURALLY at HOME.

Check HERE.

We, hope that you are getting so many benefits from our blog.

Please lets us know about 8 exercise to lose your weight at home easily by commenting below.

Be healthy!

Be happy!

Thank you…

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Hi, I'm Raj, A passionate health, Wellness Promoter, and Health Professional with Extensive Experience In Health and Wellness. I Share Trusted, Researched Tips on Physical Health, Nutrition, And Overall Well-being. Join me for Practical Advice To Help You Live A Healthier, Happier Life. Let's Make Wellness A Priority Together!

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