Knee pain | 10 Effective exercise that can relieve extreme knee pain

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Exercise that can relieve Extreme knee pain…

Helllo dear Friends,

As we talk in our previous post “Knee pain | Causes, treatment, home remedies, factors affecting it,preventive methods” that we will brings a list of exercises that can relieve your knee pain.

If you are a less aware from exercises benefit’s then a knee pain can force you to make your Habit’s of exercises.

As we discussed previously that a knee pain is a very serious issue as the issue wants our some of attention.

Knee pain exercise
Knee pain exercises

A report says that every year 18 million people are meet with doctor in case of Osteoarthritis or knee pain

So based on this big problem we think about it and try to make some contribution on it.

Here we will give you best exercise that can relieve your knee pain permanently.

This is all are the stretching exercises.

Now lets start a list of exercises that can help you to reduce your knee pain.

So let’s begin!

10 Effective exercise that can relieve extreme knee pain


This exercise will work for your hips muscles.

The hips muscles located at outside of hips and help you to stand , walk and rotate your leg in any direction.

Leg side rises

Strengthening these muscles will prevent and treat pain in hips and knee.

How to do :- 

– Lie on your side.

– Stacked your leg on top of each other.

– Rise your top leg upward and move it back to downward.

– Stop your leg at the rising position for 2- 3 seconds.

– Do this exercise for both legs.

– Rise your both legs for minimum 30 times at once.



This exercise is work on your hamstring and glute.

As this exercise is easy to do you can put some weight on your ankle to bulid strong muscles of your leg.

Prone leg Raises

How to do :- 

– Lie on your stomach.

– Rise your left leg and hold for 5 seconds.

– lower your leg and rest for 2-3 seconds.

– Repeat this exercise for both legs.

– Do this exercise for 30 times for each leg.



Leg extension is the simple and easy to do exercise.

Leg extension

It is so simple and you can do at wherever your are sitting.

How to do :- 

– Sit up in chair .

– Put your leg on floor .

– Now you just have to rises your left leg and right leg one by one.

– Pause one rised leg for 5 seconds and lower it.

– Rest for 2-3 Seconds.

– Practice this exercise for 30 – 40 times for both legs.



This exercise is strengthen your lower part of your leg.


How to do :- 

– Just stand as we normal standing .

– Lift your heel ground of .

– Now put your all weight on ball of your feet.

– Now lower your heel to starting position.

– Do this exercise for 30 – 40 times.



This exercise is target on lower leg and thighs. It is very useful exercise for our knee pain also.

Heel and calf raise

How to do :-

– Stand in front of wall.

– Place your both hands on the wall.

– Now , move back one foot .

– Ensure your foot are flat on the ground.

– Stretch your any of the one leg towards wall.

– Hold your leg for 30 seconds.

– Change your leg.

– Repeat exercise for both leg.



This exercise will work on your quadriceps, the muscles at front of your thighs.

Quadriceps Stretch

Performing this exercise will give you the flexibility of quadriceps.

How to do :- 

– Stand near wall.

– Now bend your knees as your foot goes towards your thighs.

– Hold your leg for 30 seconds.

– Change your leg after 2 time of first leg.

– Repeat this exercise for 4-5 times



It is an excellent ways to strengthen your thighs, glutes and quadriceps without having strain on knees.

Half squat

How to do :-

– Stand up.

– Rise your hand parallel to your chest.

– Now squats down 10 – 12 inches.

– hold this position for 30 seconds.

– Do this exercise for 2 to 3 sets of 10 repetition.



This stretching target your area behing your thighs.

You should feel stretch your leg and base of your glutes.


How to do :- 

– Lie on floor.

– Lift one leg of the floor.

– Place your hands below a knees and on the back of thighs.

– Stretch your legs toward chest.

– hold for 30 seconds.

– change legs.

– Repeat this exercise for 2 times on each sides.



Ths standing hamstring curl is target your glute and hamstring.

You required inner strength for making balance of your body.

Hamstring curl

How to do :- 

– Stand near wall.

– Bend your knees towards your ceiling .

– hold for 5 – 10 seconds.

– Change your legs.

– Repeat this exercise for both legs and for

3-4 times ,repetition of 3 times for each legs.



This exercise strengthen your quadriceps and hip flexor muscles.

Straight leg exercise

How to do :- 

– Lie down on floor.

– Bent your one leg and one leg straight out.

– Lift your straight legs as same height of your knees are bent.

– Pause at upper position for 5 seconds.

– Repeat this exercise for both legs.

If you still want to know more about how you can reduce your knee pain via exercise then just go through these link.


So , dear friends this all exercise will really work if you do it for minimum 1 month.

This all exercise is really applicable for your knee pain.

It will relax your whole leg and knee.

So, this is all about exercises for knee pain.

From the above list most of the exercises are suggested by doctor’s.

So thanks friends to being here.

Visit again.

Stay happy and healthy.



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