What Are Happiness Hormones | 11 Best Ways to Increase Happiness Hormones.

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Increase Happiness Hormones with simple Techniques…

Hello Dear friends,

Today we discussed a topic that says about Happiness Hormones and how to increase your happiness hormones.

In today’s world, Everybody is striving for happiness and well-being.

Did you ever tried to know,

What happens to the brain when we feel happy?
How brain reacts to particular state of happiness?

The answer Is… Hormones!!

Way to increase your happiness hormones
How to increase your happiness hormones

Our body and brain release different hormones at different types of conditions and Times.

Hormones are chemicals that are associated with different types of feelings and emotions.

There is a great chance of increasing your happiness hormones which can cause you to become more happy and healthy.

There is Different factor to be happy that is ‘Endogenic Factor‘ and the ‘Exogenic Factor‘.

Endogenic factor includes biological, cognitive, personality and Ethical sub-factor.

Exogenic Factor includes social culture, behavioural, economic, geographical, live events and Aesthetics subfactor.


Ways to increase your happiness hormones are just by the below points.

》Interesting Introduction:-

A study of 2000 people was conducted by Robert Waldinger to show how happiness and well-being can affect our life.

This study Takes 75 years to complete.

Robert Waldinger is an American Psychiatrist and part-time professor at Howard medical school.

Introduction About Happiness Hormones Video

After analyzing data from 2000 people they can say that there is a strong correlation between happiness and good health.

Maintaining happiness can increase your relationship, overcome your stress level, Reduce your ageing process and enables you to become the best version of yourself.

So, why do we waste time on scrolling social media instead of being happy?

Let’s Understand the phenomena of happiness and well-being.

Way to increase Happiness hormones
Basic of happiness hormones

》 Hormones:-

“Hormones are the chemical of the body that act as messengers”.
Hormones travel through your bloodstream to your different organs and tissue of the body.
Hormones work slowly, over time, and affect many things in the body, just like below.

– Growth.
– Reproduction.
– Sexual Function.
– Metabolism.
– Mood.

Endocrine glands produce major hormones in the body.
Endocrine glands are major groups of cells that produce different types of hormones.
Endocrine glands are the pituitary, thymus, adrenal gland, thyroid, pineal and pancreas.

》 Happiness Hormones:-

      “Happiness hormones are the chemical of the body that promotes happiness and well-being”.

“Happiness is the positive emotional state that is often characterized by feelings of contentment, joy and happiness”.

While happiness is subjective and varies from person to person.

There are major four Happiness Hormones given below.

1. Dopamine:-

   Dopamine is known as the feel-good hormone.
It is associated with the brain reward system with learning, mood increase, memory and more.

2. Serotonin:-

These hormones are neurotransmitters that help to regulate your sleep, mood, appetite, digestion, and learning abilities.

Increase happiness hormones
Ways to increase happiness hormones

3. Endorphins:-

These hormones act as a killer of your body.
These hormones are useful when you are under stress, anxiety or pain.

These hormones also increase at the time of reward-producing activities like Eating your favourite foods, listening to music, workout or having sex.

4. Oxytocin:-

Whenever you feel loved that means oxytocin is produced in your brain.
These hormones are known as the love hormones of your brain.
It helps promote trust, bonding and relationship.
This hormone is essential for breastfeeding, childbirth and strong parent-child bonding.

》Ways to increase happiness Hormones:-

A general guide to increasing your happiness and well-being hormones is given below.

Some general activities can easily increase your mood and your happiness hormones.

1. Exercises:-

Exercise has multiple physical benefits and also has mental benefits.

Exercises fulfil your physical health and that’s why automatically increase your mental health and well being.

Regular exercise can help to increase your serotonin and dopamine.

High-intensity exercise can easily increase your mood and happiness hormones without getting rest in between.

Exercise can help you a lot to reduce stress and anxiety.

A man’s mass, sex drive, sperm count and strength are directly related to testosterone levels.
A regular dose of exercise can easily increase your testosterone levels.

2. Meditating:-

A regular 30 minutes of Meditation can help you to relieve stress and anxiety.

30 minutes per day Meditation can help you to maintain your levels of cortisol that are produced when you feel hurt or in stress and replace it with endorphins that are known for feelings of relief.

A Study shows that during meditation, 11C-raclopride binding in one part of the brain decreased by 7.9% and This corresponds to a 65% increase in dopamine release.

3. Hugging your loved one:-

Hugging or kissing your loved one can easily increase your different types of happiness hormones.

By hugging and kissing we show caring, protecting and loving nature to our partner.

Why do we have to hug loved ones?
Below are the benefits of hugging.

– Hugging can reduce stress.
– Hugging can show support.
– Hugging can increase your heart health.
– Hugging can make us happier.
– Hugging can increase your mood.
– Hugging will increase communication with each other.

Hugging can increase the level of serotonin,  dopamine and oxytocin level.

4. Get in touch with 5 Natural Elements:-

We all know that All matter is composed of 5 Natural elements (Panchamahabhut or panchtatvo).

They are named…

1. Water.
2. Fire.
3. Earth.
4. Wind.
5. Space.

These 5 Natural elements can also help you to increase your Happiness hormones.

So, Get in touch with 5 elements using the below examples.

– Run at Sea.
– Go to Mountain.
– Go to Park.
– Go to the river.
– Bath in Rain.

These all are the basic example of getting in touch with natural elements.

You’ll get Refresh your mind whenever you go to any natural place and your happiness increase.

5. Spent time with a pet:-

Pets especially cats and dogs are the cutest animals to play with.
There are dozens of benefits to playing with Pets.
It is not recommended to keep your pet just because of your benefits but showing care for animals is also a great way to be kind.

Pet can help you to increase your heart health, increase your happiness hormones, and reduce your stress, anxiety and depression.

It can ease loneliness, encourage exercise and improve your cardiovascular health.
Playing with pets can increase the level of oxytocin and serotonin easily.


6. Listening or making music:-

Listening to music can easily increase different types of hormones that causes improve your mood.

Listening to music that you love and enjoyed can significantly increase your level of serotonin.

Music is also very beneficial for mental health and found that music can be a therapy for brain health.

The creation of music also can improve your endorphins level.

A study found that group music making can act as a mechanism which may show an impact as an increase in social bonding and can increase your endorphins level.

7. Get a massage:-

A study by the international journal of Neuroscience has found that Getting a massage can significantly lower your cortisol level which can improve your mood and increase your happiness hormones that is serotonin and dopamine.

Massage can significantly lower your stress just because of Aging stress, pregnancy stress, anxiety,  HIV stress,  Chronic Fatigue stress and work-related stress.

You can get a massage from a licensed massage therapist or your partner or anyone else for extra happiness hormones.

8. Manage your stress:-

It is normal to have stress from time to time, but living with stress can negatively impact the level of serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins.

This will impact as lower your mood, and anxiety making it harder to live with stress.

American psychological association recommends treating your stress by the below-given steps.

– Just laugh.
– Go for a run, swim, walk, or ride a bike.
– Taking a break from the source of stress.
– Meditation
– Talk with your friends and relatives.

Adopting the above methods can help to relieve your stress and increase your happiness hormones which are serotonin, endorphins and dopamine.

9. Cooking with loved one:-

Cooking with loved ones can increase your happiness, you feel relaxed, can improve your relationship, and lower your stress, anxiety or pain.

Cooking with loved one’s a great way to be close together and it can be a fun and rewarding experience.

Remember cooking with loved ones is not just about food to make but it is also about being close together, working together and having quality time with each other.

10. Small goal and celebration:-

Everybody has to set a specific dream or goal in their life.

Goals not only provide a particular direction but can also help to stay focused and help to reduce stress and anxiety.

A big goal can be achieved in small steps( small goal) and these steps can be better for your happiness.

Set daily a task or goal that you can complete within a day or a specific time.

After completing this small goal you feel satisfied and you will feel great pleasure.

This can be used to increase your happiness level, and hormones and may be useful in achieving your big goal.

11. Social bonding:-

A study has found that having different social relationships can easily increase your heart health, can increase positivity Happiness Hormones.

On the other hand, loneliness and social isolation can lead to poor health, depression and an increased risk of early death.

Social bonding easily increases your happiness hormones which are oxytocin and serotonin.

》 Closure.

Here’s a summary of ways to increase happiness hormones:

1. Endorphins- Exercises and activities you enjoyed.

2. Dopamine- Be positive, focus on your goal, focus on positive things, and think positively.

3. Serotonin- Spent time in natural places and playing with a pet.

4. Oxytocin- Spent time with loved one’s and engage in social activities.

5. Sleep- Sleep can also help to regulate your mood and regulate your different types of hormones.

By following the above activities you can easily increase your happiness hormones, mood and reduce your stress level.

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