10 Super food’s to improve your digestive system at home

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Food’s to improve your digestive system…

Hello, Dear friends

Today were going to discuss how to increase our digestive system by consuming food that will help us to improve our digestive system.

If you go to find a food’s to help you with indigestion then you will find several foods but this one is the best and perfect for any indigestion problem.

Dear friends, as we saw in the previous post about how to improve the digestive system.

Today we going to tell you how you can readily enhance your digestive system and Super food’s to improve your digestive system.

Food's to improve your digestive system
Food’s to improve your digestive system

Let’s know about

Food to improve your digestive system…

The digestive system is a very important and crucial part of our body.

The digestive system is a very crucial part of our body as it constantly works to consume energy and nutrients from our food and eliminate waste.

Due to certain conditions of digestion, we may face some kind of problem with the digestion system it may IBS ( Irritable bowel syndrome), Hurt burn, Piles, constipation, and Diarrhea.

Even a healthy person can also face some kind of problem due to Inadequate intake of fibre or prebiotic food in their diet.

Here we give’s you,

Food’s to improve your digestive system Naturally…

》1. Amla:-

Amla is the powerhouse of nutrients, in India amla is consumed in many forms like murabba, pickel, chyawanpras, juice etc.

Amla also has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

Amla contains higher amounts of fibre which help to reduce IBS ( Irritable bowel syndrome) problems and help to reduce digestive problems like constipation, Diarrhea, Hurt burns etc.

Food's to improve your digestive system
Amla Food’s to improve your digestive system

Amla stimulates the gastric juice responsible for the digestive system.


》2. Beet:-

Beet is a very good source of fibre and it is also known as beetroot.

Beet is help to promote healthy bacteria in our gut and having healthy bacteria can effectively increase our digestive system.

Food's to improve your digestive system
Beet Food’s to improve your digestive system

Fibre is also important for digestion and helps to reduce constipation.

Beet is can be consumed by adding in salads and by roasting.


》3. Yoghurt:-

Dear friends, many of us don’t aware of it but yes yoghurt can also help us to improve our digestive system.

Yoghurt is made from milk by the process of fermentation.
Due to fermentation, there are live bacteria in yoghurt called probiotic bacteria that help in our digestive system.

Having this probiotic bacteria in our gut can help to reduce constipation, Diarrhea and bloating.

Food's to improve your digestive system
Yoghurt-Food’s to improve your digestive system

Yoghurt also helps to reduce lactose and milk sugar levels in our bodies.

However, all yoghurt doesn’t need to have live probiotic bacteria so when shopping is sure to look for “active and live cultures” on the package.


》4. Ginger:-

Ginger is having several track records of improving our digestive system.

There is 115 bioactive compound found in ginger, which helps in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antiemetic properties.

Ginger stimulates digestion and helps to move food to pass through the digestive system.

Food's to improve your digestive system

Ginger helps to empty the gastric juice quickly.

Ginger reduces the risk of hurt burns, nausea and stomach discomfort.


》5. Asafoetida:-

One of the most common uses of asafoetida is to help with indigestion.

Specifically, it may increase the release of bile from your liver which help to digest fat.

List of 10 good digestive foods to improve your digestive system at home

A study of giving twice a day 250 mg tablet of asafoetida to 45 adults suffering from moderate indigestion problems, reports an improvement in the digestive system.

While spice support to reduce of gas after eating.


》6. Ajwain or carrom seed:-

Ajwain is one of the best food to improve the digestive system.

A particular type of enzymes ‘ thyol’, helps to flow gastric juice in the stomach which helps in reducing indigestion, bloating and gas.

Food's to improve your digestive system
Food’s to improve your digestive system

One teaspoon of ajwain with little rock salt considers being a good household medicine for the digestion system.

You can also consume ajwain powder with water to relieve gastric problems.

It may also help in the chronic digestive condition that is IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome).


》7. Water:-

Dear friends, water is essential for our whole body that will keep our body hydrated.

Dehydration also affects our digestive system, so we have to drink more water to stay hydrated to keep things moving on.

One of the best tips to improve your digestive system is to be hydrated.

Food's to improve your digestive system
Food’s to improve your digestive system

Water also makes a stool smooth which helps us with constipation.

Water helps to break down food and is good for our whole digestive system.


》8. Pineapple:-

This food contains the enzymes that help in the digestion of heavy food like eat.

These enzymes are called bromelain.

These enzymes function as proteases that will break down the protein molecules into their blocks like amino acids and peptides.

Food's to improve your digestive system
Food’s to improve your digestive system

Once the protein has been breakdown then it will be easy for your small intestine to consume amino acids and peptides.

Pineapple also uses in reducing your risk of cancer.

In most of the country served pineapple as a salad with meat dishes.


》9. Fennel seed:-

Fennel helps in digestion by reducing the gas and bloating situation.

Food's to improve your digestive system
Food’s to improve your digestive system

Fennel also helps with abdominal pain and IBS condition.

You can try consuming raw fennel seeds or you can make drinks with water.


》10. Kefir:-

Kefir is made by adding kefir grains to milk, it is a culture dairy product.
These grains are results from yeast and bacteria in milk and have the benefit of a digestion system.

Like yoghurt, kefir can also help in the consumption of lactose, so there is less chance of lactose intolerance.

food's to improve your digestive system
Food’s to improve your digestive system

It will help with gas, bloating and cramping, it will help you in reducing inflammation in your gut and help to enhance your digestive system.

So, friends, this is all about the food that you can take to enhance your digestive system.

To know more Food’s to improve your digestive system Just Click Here.

》Final results:-

There are many types of foods that you can consume to enhance your digestive system.

All types of foods will help you in digestion but the effect of the food will stay till you consume it.

This all food is having the properties to solve your specific type of digestive system problem, for a specific problem you have to take specific food.

So, consume it by searching more about it on the internet and getting help from physicians and then take it.

Instead of consuming food, you must have to
make strong your digestive system by taking care of it you can see in our previous post of
Know your Digestive system | How it works, Functions, Parts, ways to make it better, different conditions“.

We, hope that you are getting so many benefits from our blog.

Be healthy!

Be happy!

Thank you…

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Hi, I'm Raj, A passionate health, Wellness Promoter, and Health Professional with Extensive Experience In Health and Wellness. I Share Trusted, Researched Tips on Physical Health, Nutrition, And Overall Well-being. Join me for Practical Advice To Help You Live A Healthier, Happier Life. Let's Make Wellness A Priority Together!

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