What Are Piles : 6 Signs, Treatment, 9 causes, Food’s.

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What are piles and it’s causes, know before fight…

Dear friends,

Today we discuss what are piles, their signs, treatment, causes, and food to take and avoid while piles hurt you.

Piles Hurt You?

Don’t worry about it …

Now, Your problem becomes our issues to solve together.


》History and statistics:-

Piles or haemorrhoids or hemorrhoids are derived from the word ‘hemorrhoids’ meaning veins are liable to discharge blood.

Commonly seen:- 45 to 60 years of age.

Hemorrhoids are one of the best-described diseases in medical history.

Hemorrhoids have several suggestions to show their effects, how to get rid of them, symptoms of piles, treatment of piles and causes of piles.

Firstly Egyptian “Chester Beatty Medical pyrus” has worked on these diseases and European “Greek Hippokrates” and “Galen” has worked on these diseases very greatly.

In middle, ages the piles are believed to be caused by evil spirits and treatment includes Prayers and incantations.

During the Renaissance( Period of the middle ages to modernity), the period of the 15th to 16th centuries anatomists began to learn about the anus and rectum which was leading better to the understanding of piles or hemorrhoids.

Due to research today there are many treatments available for piles including surgical treatment, topical creams and lifestyle changes.

1 in 20 Americans has the symptoms of haemorrhoids.


》Define:- Hemorrhoids or Piles.

Hemorrhoids are the lumps inside your rectum And/Or around your anus(bottom).

In other word, Hemorrhoids or piles is Swollen veins inside of your rectum or around your anus that can cause pain, Anal itching and rectal bleeding.

Hemorrhoids are often treated by adopting several home-based remedies or bypassing some days but for any occasion or to treat it in a few days it’ll need to treat with medical treatment.

A February 2022 study, Shows that Hemorrhoids and anal fissures commonly occur in 40% of pregnant women and Postpartum periods( A period starting after childbirth to 6 weeks of childbirth).


》Symptoms of hemorrhoids/piles:-

Symptoms of haemorrhoids can vary depending on the location of piles and severity.

Some common symptoms of piles include below of points:

1- Bleeding during bowel movement:-

Red blood may be seen in your toilet paper or toilet after your bowel movement.

2- Irritation or Itching:-

Piles can cause itching, irritation or discomfort near your anal area.

3- Pain:-

Due to piles, you may feel pressure or pain near your anal area.

4- Swelling lumps around your anus:-

You can touch or feel or see swelling lumps in your anus area.

Symptoms of piles
Symptoms of piles

5- Leakage Feces:-

Piles can cause you to lose control over your bowel movement and you may face Leakage Feces problems.

6- Feeling of uncomplete stool:-

You may feel that you have still stool to poo after you go to the toilet.


Note:- It is not important that everyone may have seen all these symptoms.

Additionally, some of the above symptoms can be seen by any other condition so don’t be afraid and talk to the health care provider.


》Causes of Piles:-

Hemorrhoids have different several causes but still, the exact causes of piles are not defined.

The 9 most common and moderate causes of hemorrhoids are given below.

1. Watery or hard stool:-

Due to any reason if you have watery or hard stool then it’ll become complicated to discharge.

The strain on the veins due to hard stool increase so there become a high chance of hemorrhoids occurring.

2. Constipation or Diarrhea:-

A study from April 2021 shows that of the 403 participants, 13.1 % had hemorrhoids from these most of the participants has constipation and BMI ≥ 25kg/m².

Constipation and Diarrhea can also put pressure on veins in the rectum and anus resulting in the development of piles.

3. Obesity:-

Being overweight or obese can also increase the risk of putting pressure on the veins of the rectum and anus.

So, you may face this problem.

Causes of piles
Different causes of piles

4. Pregnancy:-

Pregnant women are more likely to be prone to piles due to increased pressure on the pelvic area.

5. Prolonged sitting or standing:-

Sitting or standing for a very long time can also lead to putting pressure on the rectum and anus resulting in the development of piles.

6. Age:-

Age is the most common cause of piles as older persons’ tissue that supports the vein’s stability becomes weak

7. Genetic:-

Some people may be more genetically predisposed to developing piles.

8. Diet:-

Eating low fibrous diet may increase the chances of getting hemorrhoids in future.

9. Anal intercourse:-

Sometimes this can cause to happen new hemorrhoids or worsen the existing ones.


》Types of hemorrhoids or piles:-

There are mainly two types of piles or hemorrhoids, classified based on their location.

For hemorrhoids, Healthcare professionals use a grading system to show the severity of hemorrhoids.


▪︎ Internal Hemorrhoids:-

Internal Hemorrhoids are located inside the rectum and not visible outside.

Typically it is painless.

Rectal bleeding is the first sign of internal hemorrhoids.

Grade by healthcare professionals:-

What is piles and it's grade.
What are piles

Grade 1:- Hemorrhoids remain in the anus and are not prolapsed.

Grade 2:- Hemorrhoids prolapse when stool is passed.

Grade 3:- Hemorrhoids are prolapsed and must be pushed back in.

Grade 4:- Hemorrhoids are prolapsed and can’t be pushed back in.


▪︎ External Hemorrhoids:-

External Hemorrhoids are the visible from outside.

These hemorrhoids are developed outside of the anus and below the anal canal.

It may be swelling, itchy and painful.

External Hemorrhoids can cause bleeding during bowel movement.

A person may have both internal and external piles.



》Treatment of Hemorrhoids/Piles:-

Treatment of hemorrhoids depends upon their severity of it and the type of hemorrhoids.

Most hemorrhoids heal on their own and by normal lifestyle and dietary changes.

Few haemorrhoids need medication and non-surgical treatment and over-the-counter medication.


1. Lifestyle changes:-

Making changes to your regular lifestyle can significantly heal hemorrhoids or piles.

The main change of lifestyle is diet and you may add exercise to your routine to overcome the situation of hemorrhoids.

– Eat High fibre diet.

Eat more fruits and vegetables to make your stool soft and avoid situations of constipation

– Exercise daily.

Regular exercise can help with bowel movement and help reduce

– Avoid straining.

Do not strain during your bowel movement as it can worsen the situation.

– Drink plenty of water.

– Staying hydrated can help to prevent dehydration and help in constipation.


2. Over-the-counter medication:-

There are several over-the-counter medications available at your nearest pharmacy.

Over-the-counter medication’ is medication in which there’s no requirement of a doctor’s prescription to buy those medicines.

Over-the-counter medication can help I itching, irritation and swelling.

Topical creams:-

Topical creams containing hydrocortisone can help to reduce itching and swelling.

Stool softeners:-

Stool softeners can help to prevent constipation and make bowel movements more comfortable.


Suppositories containing hydrocortisone or local anaesthetic can help a lot to reduce pain and make you more comfortable.


3. Medical procedures:-

In some cases there may be medical treatment is necessary to overcome the problem.

Some medical procedures involve:

Rubber band ligation:-

Rubber band ligation involves the placing of rubber on the base of the haemorrhoids and cuts off the blood supply, causing it to shrink and fall off.


This therapy involves the insert a chemical solution into the haemorrhoids to shrink them.


This is a surgical procedure to remove the hemorrhoids.

It is essential to consult a doctor to diagnose and appropriate treatment plans.

In some cases, piles may require more advanced medical surgery.

》Food to Cure piles:-

Piles can be treat by which types of food you intake.

Just look at below link to complete get a dozens of food that can useful to heal your piles.


》Important Tip’s:-

Some caring strategies to overcome hemorrhoids and get out of the pain.


  ☆ Do’s:-

– Drink a Lot of water it will soften your stool to pass easily.

– Eat a lot of fibrous diets.

– If it hurt more take paracetamol.

– Wipe your bottom after stool with toilet paper(Don’t Hard)

– Gently push back.

– Personal Hygiene is very important.

– Avoid alcohol and caffeine.

– To relieve pain and itching take a warm bath.

– Use ice cubes for discomfort.

– Exercise daily.


  ☆ Don’t:-

– Do not try to push hard to poo.

– Don’t takecodeine-basedd painkillers it may lead to constipation.

– Don’t take ibuprofen if piles bleeding.

– Don’t extend your toilet duration.



During this time person should rest and avoid doing anything which strains or put pressure on the veins.

Mostly hemorrhoids are healed own their way by passing some times with home remedies and treatment.

You must have to see doctor if you have more symptoms of hemorrhoids just as bleeding, itching, painful.


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