Unlock Everything About Sleep Pleasantly | Why Sleep is Necessary, How Much Sleep needed, 2 Phase.

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Everything about sleep…

Hello dear friends, We’re ForajCreation once again comes to you with very interesting and amazing topic .

Hear we discuss all about sleep and how poor sleep is affected us and how much sleep do we needit means you will get everything about sleep that will help you a lot in maintaining your health.

Unlock Everything about sleep…

》Why sleep is necessary | Everything About Sleep 

Dear friends sleep is one of the best way to heal our body.

During sleep don’t even our body healing but our brain is also heal themselves.

During sleep our body and mind is working to maintain healthy brain functioning and maintain balanced physical health.

Inadequate sleep can increase risk of heart disease, brain disease, may you becomes less focused,less effective, feel tired, may increase overthinking, can’t put control on thoughts, can’t be in presence, it may affect your personality, and many more.

Everything about sleep

Friends Elon musk, jeff besoz, mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs etc having 6-7 hours of sleep , because it will helps you to be focused, and you can make a great decision.

Quotes :- If you rundown to sleep then ready to rundown.

Sleep may affect your thinking ability, reaction with others, learn, work, creativeness.


Dear friends here we can divide phases of sleep in to two different phases :-


When you are going to sleep then you are actually going to two sleep cycle.

– Rem :- Rapid eye movement.
– Non rem :- Non rapid eye movement.

The cycle start 80 to 100 minutes.
You may pass through this 5 – 6 cycle.

Everything about sleep
Everything about sleep

Sleep studies put a sensor to our eye and brain activity to measure how we react in our both phases of sleep.

Due to sleep studies we can describe a two different phases of sleep.

Let’s Understand them !!



Studies shows that in this phase your brain actually are in working condition as you are in waking hours.
Arriving of Dreams is the best proof of this sleep phase.
Your eyes may or may not slight open during this sleep phase.

You usually have a rem sleep phase later in the night but you do not have as much rem sleep pahse in colder temperatures because your body is difficult to make a control on it’s temperature during sleep.


Usually non rem phase sleep have three stages.

Stage one :- In this stage you body getting a transition between wakefulness and sleep.

Stage two :- In this stage you are asleep.

Stage three :- This is a stage where you are in deep sleep . You usually spend more time in this stage.



Dear friends as we told already that sleep is the natural healing process of our body,mind,muscle, organs etc.

Inadequate sleep is very dangerous for our healthy body and great mind.

So, never tried to skip your sleep, in an Average you have to Maintain your sleep cycle of 6-7 hours daily for healthy life and for brain.

So let’s discuss how sleep can affect our body organs one by one.

•••》Sleep Vs. Heart disease :-

When you are in deep sleep or you are in stage three sleep cycle your blood pressure is become low then require in waking hours and required rate of blood flow in to the blood vessels is low as compared to waking hours so your heart has the rest in this period of sleep.

During this good sleep you parasympathetic nervous system predominates and control the heart rate at resting rate i.e. 60 – 70 bpm.

Due to rem phases of sleep cycle our brain and heart doesn’t take a rest .

During rem sleep your blood pressure and heart rate will increase to the soem of sharp level and this increased rate may become causes to heart attack and chest pain when you wake up from sleep.


SLEEP AND PHYSICAL HEALTH | Everything about sleep 

People who do not maintain good sleep of cycle may have below disease.

– Increase heart rate .
– Stroke.
– Chest pain.
– Obesity.
– Coronary heart disease.
– Increase in blood pressure.
– Increase eyeglasses number’s.
– Increase your Face skin problems.

Different major problem arrive when you fail to sleep is give below.

Everything about sleep
Effect of sleep deprivation


Sleep Vs Hormonal Diseases

Dear friends, inadequate sleep has it’s countless disadvantages and have a really severe impact on our hormones.

Hormones is the just postman of our body w.hich transmit the message to the organs.

Our body releases hormones at different times of day,like whaen we wake up then body releases a hormones called cortisol that is responsible for your whole day begins and end with alertness and energetic.

When you don’t sleep properly this generation of hormones will disturbed and body’s hormones can’t work properly.

When you use a mobile at night your body will release a hormones called cortisol and melatonin that will continue you to stay wake up , so that’s why it is important to dont use mobile at time of sleep.

Sleep Vs Respiratory System

Inadequate sleep can increase the risk of stroke .
Sometimes due to Inadequate sleep ,during sleep we often intake less breath and oxygen so there is starting point of problems Called asthma or COPD(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

When you continuously become irregular in your sleep cycle your chances of getting asthma is become high during early mornings in the sleep.

Sleep Vs Immune system

Sleep is the greatest thing that will give your body and immune system to become stronger and stronger.

If you fail to sleep just because of any reason then you have to fix in your mind that you just destroy your powerful immune system.

Immune system is the body’s energy that will protect you from different diseases.

Due to Inadequate sleep your regeneration of immune system will automatically stopped.

So it is important to know that if we have to stay fit and fine then sleep is very necessary.

Sleep Vs. Digestive Dystem

Lack of sleep can increase problems in our digestive system also.

Due to lack of sleep our stress level will increase so it will direct affect our guts which will digest foods.

Due to this we will face the problem with the guts and other problems like , constipation, stomach pain,inflammation, food sensitivities etc.

So this is all the major problem arrive when you don’t take a seriously to sleep cycle .

SLEEP AND MENTAL HEALTH | Everything about sleep 

Dear friends,
As we discussed above that sleep is very necessary for physical activity and physical health same as sleep is very precious for mental health .
There is strong and direct relationship between sleep and your mental health.

Person which have poor sleep may have this problems behavior, understanding problems, thinking pattern, slow down your mind, memory loss,unconscious mind , poor confidence, increase in stress etc.

A better sleep can increase your capacity of brain and boost your memory.

So let’s discuss how sleep can affect our mental health.

Sleep vs. Stress

First issue can detect during your lack of sleep is stress.

Due to the deprivation in sleep your mind won’t be able to maintain brain functioning and can’t take rest.

Due to overtime your brain has no option to take a rest and it will release a hormones called ‘adrenaline’ which will give you stress and tension so after feeling stress and tension you feel a tired and it is become necessary for you to sleep.

This can affect your brain at certain level.

Sleep Vs Memory

In case of memory your brain is like computers CPU ,which whicj store a data and find a data from saved data.

Due to lack of sleep your brain can’t store a particular data to save and can’t find any data or memory from your saved memory effectively.

If you are having a problem of sleep everyday then your memory becomes more weak.

Sleep Vs Presence of mind

Due to deprivation in sleep can make you less conscious and you have to put extra energy to stay in present situation.

Your brain will tired if you dont have proper sleep and it will loss control on it’s thought, action, reaction etc.

You Presence of mind becomes very low due to lack of sleep.

Everything about sleep
Mental effects of sleep deprivation

Sleep Vs Anger

Dear friends poor sleep can affect your brain like your brain actually want to rest but due to deprivation of sleep your brain can’t take rest due to this your anger will increase.

Due to this anger your heart rate and blood pressure is also increase.

So take a proper sleep and stay happy , active and fit and fine.

Sleep Vs Relationship

Dear friends, sleep also can make your relationship and trust weak towards your wife and other members.

Poor sleep will increase your anger, due to unconscious mind your relationship nay become weak.

This is all major problem that you have to face if you don’t take a proper sleep.

Here we describe others issues detected due to sleep deprivation.

– Fatigue.
– Less focused.
– Increase react time.
– Headache.
– Obesity.
– Diabetes.
– Hypertension.
– Depression.
– Less conscious.
– Overthinking.

How much sleep do i need ? | Everything about sleep

Dear friends we cant give you exact time duration to sleep as sleep is depends on your work load and how you have to take stress due to your work and age is also important.

As different age and work load increase your time duration of sleeping is increases.

Normally, students must have to sleep 7 hours per 24 hours.

Everything about sleep
How much sleep do i need

As your stress increase you have to take a sleep about 8 hours.

But as a Average hours of sleep is must be 7-8 hours.

We describe age vs sleep table below.

         Age                                       Sleep / 24 hours

4-12 months.                             12 – 16 hour’s

1-2 year’s                                     11 – 14 hour’s

3-5 year’s                                  10 – 13 hour’s

      6-12 Year’s                                     9-12 hour’s

   13-18 year’s                            8-10 hour’s

Adult                                           7-8 hours

So, dear friends this is everything about sleep and how it is affect us in long term and short term.

So it is necessary to take a proper sleep and stay happy, fit and fine.

To know more about sleep Click here.


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