White Blood Cells | Best Way to Increase WBC, Ranges, 5 Types, Symptoms.

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Depth exploration of function and characteristics of White blood cells…

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We will talk about what is white blood cells, how it is important for us and what are the important steps to increase your white blood cells.

Are you want to know how white blood cell work?

How we can increase white blood cell?

What are the functions of white blood cell?

》Then this post is made for you.

After, Researching many research papers and doing analysis of many types of standard institute studies, we are making simple and awesome results for your specific query related to white blood cells.

White blood cells
White blood cells

Let’s get started…

》Interesting Introduction:-

White blood cells also called ‘leukocytes‘ or ‘leucocytes‘ is a crucial part of the human body’s immune system.

White blood cells are responsible for protecting the body against pathogens, bacteria, viruses and foreign invaders.

Our body contains several different types of white blood cells we will discuss them below.

The Discovery of white blood cells is traced back to the 17th century.

In 1674 ‘Antonie ven Leeuwenhoek used a primitive microscope to observe first-time white blood cells in the human body’s sample.

However, it was just Discovery and needs more studies on white blood cell.

In the 19th century, the true nature and behaviour of white blood cell began to understand.

In the late 19th century, French physician ‘Paul Ehrlich’ who is known as the father of immunology, Discovered the different types of white blood cells in the blood which were referred to as granular and non-granular leukocytes.

Interesting facts:- 

– White blood cell can move through the wall of the blood vessel and entire tissue to fight against the infection.

– Some types of white blood cell can remember the past infection and act accordingly and quickly to prevent disease.

– white blood cells can be infected by many bacteria and infections that can alter the number of white blood cells.

– White blood cell can be used in research to study immune systems and develop new treatments for patients.


》What are white blood cells:-

The Word white blood cell or ‘leukocytes’ is made from the simple greek word ‘leucko’ + ‘cytes’ which means ‘leucko’ = ‘White’ and ‘Cytes’ = ‘Cells’.

“White blood cells are the cell in the body that protect against viruses, bacteria, and foreign invaders”.

As you get sick, Your body makes more white blood cells to fight against bacteria and viruses causing your illnesses.


》White blood count (WBC):-

WBC:- “It is the number of the white blood cell you have in your blood that fight against foreign invaders”.

If you have any illness automatically your white blood cells will increase in the body and that causes an increase in the count of white blood cells.

On the other hand, many diseases can cause to decrease in your white blood cells including cancer, AIDS/HIV and disease that attack the white blood cells.


》Types of white blood cells:-

Well, Our body has 5 types of white blood cell.

These white blood cells are categorised into main two classes.

1. Granulocytes.

Granulocytes include neutrophils, Eosinophils and basophils types of white blood cells.

2. Agranulocytes.

Agranulocytes include lymphocytes and monocyte types of white blood cells.

All white blood cells can move like an amoeba'(A very small living creature that consists of only one cell) and can migrate out of the blood vessel to surrounding tissue.

Let’s see types individually..

1. Granulocytes:- 

☆ Neutrophils:-

In White blood cells, most cells are neutrophils.

Neutrophils are shown to be 62% in adults of overall white blood cells.

They act as Scavengers helping surround and destroy bacteria and fungi present in your Body.

☆ Eosinophils:-

These are responsible for responding to infections that parasites cause.

They also participate in the general immune system and inflammatory response in the body.

☆ Basophils:-

These represent less than 1% of overall white blood cell.

It increases after an allergic reaction just as coughing, runny nose and sneezing.

Types of white blood cells
Types of white blood cells

2. Agranulocytes.

☆ Lymphocytes:-

These white blood cell include the following:

T cells:-

These cells are also known as T – Lymphocytes.

These cells help to protect against infection-causing cells.

B cells:

These cells are also known as B – Lymphocytes.

These cells produce antibodies that give protection against infection.

Natural killer cells:-

These cells are responsible for attacking and killing viral cells and cancer cells.


Monocytes are present in the body about 2% to 5% of total white blood cell.

These are present when the body fights against chronic infections.

They specialize to target and destroy bacteria and viruses causing infection.

Defend against infection by cleaning up damaged cells.


》Normal Range:-

According to “American Family physician

The Normal range of the white blood cell is given below.

Normal range may vary from age to age and Person to person.

A pregnant woman can have elevated white blood cells during the third trimester

Let’s see…

– Healthy Newborn baby may have a WBC from 13,000 to 38,000 per mm³(13.0 to 38.0 × 10⁹ per L) at 12 hours of life.

– By two weeks of age, This value decreases to approximately 5,000 to 20,000 per mm³(5.0 to 20.0 × 10⁹ per L) and gradually it will decline throughout childhood.

– After becoming adults the new value is 45,00 to 11,000 per mm³(4.5 to 11.0 × 10⁹ per L) by about 21 years of age.

– In pregnancy, There may be seen a gradual increase in the normal WBC count from 13,200 per mm³(13.2 ×10⁹ per L) to 15,900 per mm³(15.9 × 10⁹ per L).

Age / Condition Normal Range ( per mm³)
– Newborn baby 13,000 to 38,000
– Two weeks 5,000 to 20,000
– Adults (21 year) 45,00 to 11,000
– Pregnant woman 13,200 to 15,900
– Pregnancy – Third Trimester . 5,800 to 13,200


High white blood cells:- 

It is elevated of white blood cell than it should be, doctor call this leukocytosis.

The following medical condition may be the indication of high white blood cells.

– Allergic response.

– Those that may cause cell to die like burns, heart attack and trauma.

– infection with bacteria, viruses and fungi and parasites.

– leukaemia.

Low white blood cells:- 

It is the lower number of white blood cell, it is because the person generates lower white blood cells than it should be, doctor call it leukopenia.

The following medical conditions may the indication of low white blood cells.


– Bone marrow therapy like radiation therapy, Chemotherapy or exposure to toxins.

– lymphoma.

– leukemia.

– Sepsis.

– Vitamin B-12 deficiencies.


》How white blood cells formed:-

White blood cell are formed in the bone marrow which is the spongy tissue found in the certain of certain bones like the breast bone, Bones of the chest and hip bones.

The process of forming white blood cell is known as ‘leukopoiesis’ and begins with ‘hematopoietic’ which are stem cells that are undifferentiated cells that can develop into any blood cells.

These cells divide and differentiate into progenitor cells, which are useful in becoming specific types of cells.

Formation of white blood cells
How WBC formed

The progenitor cells are differentiated into various white blood cells like Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Monocytes, Basophils and Lymphocytes.

Once, White blood cell are formed completely they enter the bloodstream and circulated throughout the body via blood and patrolling for infection and foreign invaders.



Low white blood cells count:-

A low blood cell count also known as ‘leukopenia‘, can weaken the body’s immune systems and increase the risk of infection.

Some symptoms that may indicate low WBC:

– Frequent infection.

– Mouth and throat sores. Difficult to eat and drink.

– Fewer.

– Slow healing of wounds, cuts or injuries.

– Skin infections like boils and abscesses.

– Fatigue.

– Respiratory infection.

Note:- These symptoms are also caused by other symptoms.


High Blood Count:- 

High white blood cell, can be a sign of infections, inflammation And other medical condition.

High white blood cells are also known as ‘leukocytosis‘.

Symptoms of high white blood cell are:

– Fever.

– Fatigue.

– Inflammation.

– Enlarge lymph nodes.

– Infection.

– Pain.

– Sweating.

– Redness or swelling


》Causes of high white blood count.

An increase in high blood cell is also known as leukocytosis, it typically occurs in response to the following conditions.

– Medication like corticosteroids.

– Infection.

– immunosuppression.

– Injury.

– surgery.

– Bone marrow disorder.

– Obesity.

– Labour.

– pregnancy.

– Excessive exercise.

– Smoking.

– Allergic reaction.

》Causes of low white blood count:-

A low level of white blood cells means your body may no longer produce white blood cells.

A low blood cell count is also known as ‘leukopenia’.

Cause of low levels of white blood cell is given below:

– Cancer therapy like Radiotherapy.

– Antipsychotic medicine.

– Some cancer like Leukaemia.

– Medicine for overactive thyroid.

– Infections like HIV and Hepatitis.

– Autoimmune disease like Rheumatoid arthritis.

》Treatment of white blood cells disorders:-

Treatment of white blood cell disorders varies in severity and based on the diagnosis.

• Treatment ranges from:

– Taking medicine.

– Taking Vitamins.

– Blood Transfusion.

– Taking Antibiotics.

– Stem cell transplant.


》How to increase white blood cells:-

Several ways can increase the white blood cell and maintain it.

To know about how we can boost the count of white blood cells you must have to Read this post as the current post is becoming wordy.

These all methods are based on research and after analyzing more results, we can consume and understand that these methods work for a low white blood count.

☆ 6 Ways & 8 Foods to increase white blood cell count | Increase Immune system.


》 Last Words:-

White blood cell also called ‘leukocytes’ or ‘leucocytes’ are the cells of the immune system that protect the body against infectious disease and foreign invaders( just like bacteria, viruses and other pathogens).

There are 5 types of white blood cells are available to save us from infection and bacteria.

All five white blood cell have their characteristics to protect against different bacteria and infections.

Certain conditions can make changes to the WBC – white blood count causing them to become high or low.

If people are willing to make them into range then they can take medication after being prescribed by doctors.

So, These is all about white blood cell and their characteristics.


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