Stammering | Meaning, Symptoms, Causes, 5 Methods, food’s, avoid

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Let’s get out of this Stammering problem..

》We’re ForajCreation again comes to you with a interesting and helpful topic that is stammering or stammer or stuttering.

》This topic covers below points:-

• What is the meaning :-

• Symptoms :-

• How it Was started :-

• Any method to stop stammering :-

• Foods to take :-

• What to avoid :-



》So, friends here we discuss all about stammering or stuttering .


–> Meaning :- 

》It is the just a speech disorder.

》In american or British language stuttering is referred as stammering.

Stop Stammering

》That can cause to person repeat , stuck , or lenthen the sound.

》Some of people has a stuttering from childhood and after knowing problem it cant fix a problem so here’s we are just give them a small tips and causes to stammering so they can fix this issue soon.

》It is most commonly found in children’s of age 2 – 6 years nd 75% of the children’s fix this probles in childhood…but 25% is can’t fix this issue and this issue is prolong till it’s adult age.


》 Stammering Vs stuttering :- 

Actually there’s no difference in Stammering and stuttering, the main difference is that one is used by British English speakers and other is used by American English speakers.



》If i have stammering problems then how i can know?

》If this question arise in your minds or your friends mind then ans is simple….

Causes of stammering

》That is….if your lips are stuck to speech , your trying to complete your sentences speedily, you are tried to speech but words are stop in between , you are are take a time to speech a big sentences etc. are the Symptoms of this problem….



》There are two types of stammering which is as follows as

1—> Psychogenic stuttering 

2—> Nearogenic stuttering 

Types of stammering

—-> Psychogenic stammering is caused by brain injury , less focus.

—-> Nearogenic stammering is caused by some of event that shocks the person like any past car accident or big tsunami or heavy rain falling etc.

》☆ Some of stuttering is caused by drug’s and medicine.



》Treatment of stammering is different from age to age , speech language pathologist will help to reduce your stammering issues.

》So, friends lets discuss about how to stop or fix this issues.

》There are number of methods are available to treat stammering and it is all are the effective methods.


–> Method [1] :- Try to sing a song any of your favorite Loudly

》Yes, friends this is the effective method to reduce your stammering slowly and eventually it will stop completely.

Method 1- how to stop stammering

》Sing a song loudly requires a lot of attention and action of your mouth and tongue, so we can say it a exercise of your mouth and tongue.


–> Method [2] :- Do a Regular practice.

》This method requires somebody to help you .

Because this methods includes a practice of your speech in front of someone.

》Find a calm place to sit with your family members or friends or colleagues.

》Try to speak clearly.


Method 2-Speak clearly


》This method is effective because you don’t feel shy during speak and you feel ease with your speech and your sounds.

》Say , your helpers to correct you with correct words and see your helper that how they speech correctly and automatically your minds get a perfection in it .

》Follow this method as you and your helpers have a time around 20 – 25 minutes/day.


–> Method [3] :- Try to speak slow then your regular speed.

》This method is one ot the best method to stop your stammering as you practice this method.

》In this method you don’t do any specific task but you only have to speak slow lesser than your regular speed of talking.

》It will help a brain to react perfectly to speak and gradually this issue will fix and even you don’t notice that you speak correctly.

Method 3 - Slow speak

》Don’t worry everyone has a problem in his/her life and how you manage your problems is more important than having problems in life.

》Trying to solve the issues is the symbol of genius person.


–> Method [4] :- Meditation.

》Yes, friends meditation is the universal solution of most of problems in our life .

》Due to meditation you will have a excellent focus on everything, i feel it and i request you to do the meditation practice regular .

Method 4 - Meditation

》Start from 15 minutes practice and gradually increase the duration of meditation.

☆ To know about meditation please see our ‘ Entire information on meditation ‘ post .


–> Method [5] :- Record your own voice.

》Actually this is the trick to see your progress and you will automatically correct your words after hearing your own recordings of your speech.

Method 5 - records your voice

》Just record your 5 minutes speech on anything and listen it whole and make a note to correct it and try this incorrect words to speak correct.



》In this issue we can consume Foods rich with vitamin B6 and B1 like nuts, fish , bananas, chicken , avocado, salmon fish, milk, wholegrains.

Foods will help to reduce stammering

》So, this food will help to reduce a stammering issues.



》Please avoid all types addiction like taboco, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes,caffeine, cocaine.

》This addiction will not only make you weak but it can cancer and death also.

》☆ So, please avoid addiction.

Foods to avoid

》So,friends,This is all about stammering and comment below which topic you have to know about we will give a best of it.

This is actually whole information of stammering  if you still want to know more about stammering then you can check HERE.

We hope that you are getting so many benefits from our blog.


Be healthy!

Be happy! 

Thank you…

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I'm Foraj Jamariya as an expert in simplifying complex and providing actionable advice. I'm Seasoned author specializing in Physical health, Mental health and personal growth. With a decades of experience I'm Dedicated to providing you with knowledge and tools to enhance your life partner that is Health and promote wellness with personal development.

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