What are Happiness Hormones | 10 Incredible Food & 4 Supplement to Increase It, Food’s To Take & Avoid.

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Food For Mood|How to increase Happiness hormones …

Hello friends,

Today we discussed how to increase your happiness hormones with different types of foods.

Food that can increase happiness hormones…

Define:- Hormones.

Hormones are the chemical substances of the body that are associated with the different types of messages to convey through blood streams to different organs and tissue”.

Hormones work slowly, over time and affect many of the body’s processes.

Hormones are associated with below of processes:

– Growth and development.

– Sexual Function.

– Reproduction.

– Metabolism.

– Mood.

Many hormones are related to happiness and well-being.

These all hormones can be increased in some general way

If,  below of any happiness hormones are released by any of the organs,  in your body you may feel joy, happiness and good.

But, How to increase those hormones that cause you to feel happiness and well-being?

Let’s know…

Fact:- Did you Know any hormones can be triggered by some general guidelines and some special foods?

So, Hello and This is ForajCreations and today you will become sure about how to increase your happiness hormones just by eating some special food.


》Happiness Hormones:-

There are mainly four hormones that can cause one to become happy and well-being.

These are given below.

1. Dopamine. 

2. Oxytocin. 

3. Endorphins. 

4. Serotonin. 

These all hormones are related to happiness, loving, caring, protecting, make stronger relationships, easily increasing your mood, relief from stress and anxiety and many more positive benefits.

So, This is the reason why we should increase and maintain Happiness Hormones.

Way to increase your happiness hormones
How to increase your happiness hormones


》Food to increase happiness hormones:-

Several foods can increase your happiness hormones like dopamine, endorphins and serotonin.

Enjoyment while your eating something delicious can increase your dopamine level with endorphins.

Sharing the meal with your loved ones or your colleagues can increase your relationship and bonding.

Some of the Natural foods to increase your happiness hormones are as follows as below.


1. Banana:-

Probably, a Banana can potentially increase happiness hormones because it contains several nutrients that can be useful in the production of happiness hormones.

By eating bananas we can increase the level of ‘Serotonin’ which is responsible for regulating stress, anxiety and mood.

Banana contains tryptophan which is converted to serotonin in the brain later which can help to promote mood and well-being.

Additionally, Banana contains Vitamin B6 which is useful in the production of Serotonin.

Vitamin B6 can useful in converting tryptophan to serotonin.

Finally, Don’t Banana can be a helping hand in the production of serotonin.

It is not necessary that bananas definitely can increase your happiness hormones, in some cases, they may not work effectively.


2. Dark chocolate:-

One study, Shows that chocolate caused the release of endorphins in American women, Making them feel happy.

Chocolate contains several components that promote the production of happiness hormones.

Often mentioned is PEA – phenylethylamine, A natural antidepressant and one of the chemicals that caused one to you may fall in love.

Food to increase happiness hormones
Chocolate to increase your happiness hormones

Tryptophan one of the chemicals that are useful in the production of serotonin Can promote happiness and well-being.

It is best food to increase happiness hormones at low cost.

3. Nuts:-

Nuts and seeds are great sources of amino acids that are used in the production of serotonin.

Nuts such as Almond, cashew, and walnut contains a higher level of tryptophan, an amino acid that is useful in the production of serotonin.

Consuming nuts in a regular diet can help a lot in the production of Serotonin and causes to be happy and well-being.

Some studies show that the compound tyrosine precursor to dopamine may increase the level of neurotransmitters in the brain.

Nuts such as almonds, peanuts and pumpkin seeds are good sources of Tyrosine.

Note:- Do not show a hurry in consuming nuts as they are rich in calories and fat.

4. Spinach:-

Studies show that spinach contains nutrients rich in folate, Magnesium and tryptophan which are involved in the production of happiness hormones like serotonin, dopamine and other good hormones.

So, consuming spinach or other green leafy vegetables can help to increase your happiness hormones and mood.


5. Coffee:-

Coffee contains caffeine, Which is known to stimulate the production of feel-good hormones.

Caffeine can easily stimulate certain neurotransmitters in the brain that as Norepinephrine, Dopamine and serotonin.

This Neurotransmitter is often associated with feelings of pleasure, happiness and well-being.

Some studies show that moderate consumption of coffee can easily make you improve your mood and reduce the risk of depression.

Food to increase happiness hormones
Coffee contains caffeine

Coffee consider as another good option to increase happiness hormones at home.

6. Fish:-

Fish are rich in protein which also makes them higher in amino acids.

Research has proven that the presence of amino acids can easily increase dopamine levels.


7. Dairy products:-

Dairy products contain several nutrients that can increase your happiness hormones.

Dairy products are rich in protein, which is important for increasing levels of dopamine and norepinephrine. They may help to increase pleasure and motivation.

Dairy products are also rich in Tryptophan, vitamin D(add-ons)and Calcium.

Most dairy products can increase serotonin levels and help to regulate mood.


8. :- Apple:-

Apple is a superfood that contains Fibre, Vitamins and minerals that are essential for maintaining good health.

Research suggests that apples can indirectly increase your happiness hormones such as serotonin and dopamine.

However, more studies are required to show the full potential of apples and how apples impact good hormones.

Food to increase happiness hormones
Apple to increase your happiness hormones

Maybe apples are a healthy diet to increase your overall health conditions but not a cure for mental health conditions.

Apple has multi benefits from improving your health to increase happiness hormones.

9. Strawberries:-

Strawberries are high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that cause you to feel happy and well-being.

Strawberries can improve your overall mood and mental health.

Antioxidants are specialists in reducing anxiety and depression.

The natural sugar of strawberries can increase the production of endorphins which is linked to improving mood for a short period.

Food to increase happiness hormones
Strawberries to increase your happiness hormones

So strawberries are the natural food that can trigger your happiness level by adding it to your regular diet.


10. Chikoo:-

There’s small evidence that supports that chickoo can increase the level of happiness hormones.

Chikoo is also known as sapodilla and it contains tryptophan due to which serotonin is produced by converting an amino acid into serotonin.

Chikoo also contains antioxidants that are responsible for reducing inflation and increasing overall health and brain functions which promote well-being and good mood.


》Supplement to take:-

Several supplements can easily increase your Happiness hormones.

1. Tyrosine:- Increase the level of dopamine.

2. Green Tea:- Help to increase your Dopamine and serotonin levels.

3. Probiotic:- It may increase your level of Serotonin and dopamine.

4. Tryptophan:- Use to increase the level of serotonin.

Experts first, Tried it on animals and then tried it on humans but there’s more research has to be done for more information related to the effects of Supplements on hormones level.

Supplements are useful to increase your ha ppiness hormones level but some supplements are not recommended to use for particular health conditions.



It is important to consider that these all foods are used to increase your happiness hormones but remembers that a regular diet and exercise are also important for the overall balancing of hormones and well-being.

Serotonin, dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin are useful to increase your happiness level and promote well-being by reducing anxiety and stress.

If you have difficulty regulating your mood then just talk to the health care provider and they give suggestions to increase your happiness hormones through treatments and supplements.


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Be happy! 

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