10 Best Food’s to increase your weight at home

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Food’s to increase your weight at home…

Hello dear friends, how are you?

Welcomes to the source of knowledge and adequate information blog website that is ForajCreations.

Want to gain weight?
Fail due to Inadequate information?
Didn’t see results after trying many things?

Don’t Worry here you will find solutions because we provide food’s to increase your weight at home.

Today we’re going to talk about food to increase your weight at home Naturally.
How does any food increase your weight and which food’s give you more weight?

Food's to increase your weight at home

Apart from technique and exercise food play important role in increasing weight.
There are many foods which you can consume to increase your weight at home.

Increasing weight is not involved only eating too many calories but when you eat calories is too important.

For some people, weight gain is almost difficult as weight loss for other people but if we add some extra nutrients to our diet plan then it can be easy for us to increase our weight.

Being underweight is prolonged to any issue related to health.
Eating too many calories gives you extra fat which is also one of the major problems of the body.

Let’s begin!

SUPER food’s to increase your weight at home.

》Super food No. 1:- Milk to heal your underweight.

Milk is the complete food’s to increase your weight as it is pure natural food to increase your weight at home.

Milk is the best solution for those who want to increase their weight but they are become fail due to a lack of knowledge.

Dear friends milk is just not a good source of calories but it contains calcium, vitamin, protein, carbohydrates and minerals.

Food's to increase your weight at home

We all must have to include milk in our diet to increase our weight.

☆ When to consume:-
For best results, you must have to consume milk just before or after exercise and with the meal.

☆ How much:- 2 Glasses per day.


》Super food No. 2:- Rice Will rise your weight.

Rice is an essential food’s to increase your weight because rice is full of carbohydrates and calories.

You can increase your weight just by serving only one food which is rice.

Rise is the cheapest and strongest food’s to increase your weight at home.

Food's to increase your weight at home
Only one cup of rice will give you 250 calories that are enough to increase your weight.


☆ When to consume:-
– You can consume rice by making different curries and veggies.
– You can consume rice at the time of the meal, first you have to eat another meal and last you have to consume rice veggies.

☆ How much:-
– Ideally, you can consume rice 1 to 1½ cups per day which is equal to 330 calories.


》Super food No. 3:- Avocados.

Avocados and avocado oil are natural sources of unsaturated fat.
They are a natural source of vitamins, and minerals like calcium, magnesium etc.
Avocados are an excellent source of vitamins, fibre, carbohydrates and antioxidants.

Food's to increase your weight at home
Avocado is high in fat so it is by default high in calories.

☆ When to consume:-
– You can consume Avocado by adding it to your main meal like bread and other foods.

☆ How much:-
– To gain 160 calories you need to consume a total of 100 grams of avocados.
– But 1 to 2 Avocados per day are good to increase your weight gradually without any side effects.
– Eating more avocados will increase problems in your stomach like gas, bloating and upset stomach.

》Super food No. 4:- Butter or Ghee.

Butter or Ghee is a great choice to increase your weight at home and it is the purely natural way to increase your weight.

Only two tablespoons of butter contain 190 calories, 7-gram protein, 16 grams of fat and 7 grams of carbohydrates.

Food's to increase your weight at home

It will be great food’s to increase your weight at home gradually and healthy also.

You can consume ghee or butter by applying it to your daily meals and you can make dishes that contain ghee.

☆ When to consume:- You can consume ghee or butter at the time of your meal like by applying it on chapati or as you like to consume it.

☆ How much:- You can consume 2-3 tablespoons per day regularly to see maximum benefits.

》Super food No. 5:- Dry fruits.

Dry fruits are one of the best choices for those who want to increase their weight speedily than other foods.
Dry fruits are packed with different types of nutrients, vitamins, and fibre and consist of sugar.

This will be the real super food’s to increase your weight at home.

Food's to increase your weight at home
Many people think that dry fruits lose their nutrients if we consume them as dry but it’s not a fact.
Dry fruits contain antioxidants, micronutrients and calories.

You can consume dry fruits roasted or directly.
It is good in taste and convenient to eat.

You can easily consume it by adding different smoothies and making its shakes with milk.

☆ When to consume:-
– You can consume this superfood after your meal.
– You can consume it for the whole day.
– Give’s maximum benefits when you add this superfood to milk and drink it after your dinner.

☆ How much consume:-
– You can consume 20-25 grams per day of dry fruits to increase your weight.

》Superfood No. 6:- Full-fat yoghurt.

Like full-fat milk and ghee, this will be your next super food’s to increase your weight at home.

Full-fat yoghurt is loaded with full of nutrients, and good gut bacteria that will help you to digest food easily.

Food's to increase your weight at home

Full-fat yoghurt is the best solution for weight gainers, it contains nutrients, carbohydrates, proteins and sugar.

☆ When to consume:-

– You can consume yoghurt at the time of a meal.
– At the time of dinner.
– At any time.

☆ How much to consume:-

– 180 ml of yoghurt can give you a maximum of 165 calories.
– You can consume 2.5 cups of yoghurt per day to maximize its benefits.

》Super food No. 7:- Cheese.

Cheese is one of our superfoods that increase weight.

Cheese is rich in fat and calories, for those who are striving for weight gain cheese can be better than others.

How to increase your weight at home

Cheese is a good source of saturated fat and calories.
Cheese is available in different varieties some are soft and some are hard.

Those who are striving for weight gain then cheese is best Food’s to increase your weight at home.

☆ When to consume:-
– you can consume cheese in the morning time with snacks if you consume cheese at night then it will give you indigestion and an upset stomach.

☆ How much to consume:-

– 100 gram of cheese can give you 400 calories that are enough to increase weight.
– American heart association is recommended to eat 35-gram cheese per day.

》Super food No. 8:- Potatoes.

Potatoes and other starchy foods are easy and cost-effective food’s to increase your weight at home.

Potatoes are high in starch and give you more calories.

Food's to increase your weight at home
Not only Potatoes but other starchy food like sweet potatoes, oats, corn and beans will give you more weight.

☆ When to consume:-

– You can consume Potatoes at lunchtime by making veggies or you can easily make it a snack to eat regularly in the morning.

☆ How much to consume:-

– You can eat one medium size potato per day by making snacks or subzi(veggies).


》Super food No. 9:- Bread.

Here we talk about whole grain bread foods to increase your weight at home.
It is also one of the best food to increase your weight gradually.

Whole grain bread contains carbohydrates and calories that are more than white bread.

You can easily consume whole grains bread by topping other calorific foods that as nuts, cheese, butter and avocado.

Food's to increase your weight at home

Sandwich is the best and most popular Food’s to increase your weight at home.


☆ When to consume:-

You can consume it as it is your meal at lunchtime and you can add it to your breakfast food.

☆ How much to consume:-
– 55 grams of bread can give you 160 calories so it is recommended to you that you have to eat 2-3 normal sizes of bread a day.


》Super food No. 10:- Salmon fish.

Salmon fish are an important and very popular food’s to increase your weight at home.

Salmon fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and are among the most significant and popular for weight gain.


You can easily consume steamed, smoked, grilled, and baked salmon fish.

☆ When to consume:-
You can consume this food at lunchtime.
Breakfast is also a good option to consume salmon fish.

☆ How much to consume:-

170 grams of salmon can give you 250 grams of calories and 12 grams of fat.
You can consume salmon fish 300-gram salmon fish per week.

This is all are our best recommendations on food’s to increase your weight at home.

If you want to know more ideas on food’s to increase your weight then check HERE.

Did you know?

We uploaded a post on TECHNIQUE THROUGH WHICH you can easily increase your weight CHECK HERE.


You can easily increase your weight it is not rocket science but you must have to take very good care of your body when you are thinking about increasing your weight.

A regular and consistent diet can easily help you to increase your weight.

Don’t try to eat more to get more weight it can make your stomach upset and bloating can happen.
Eat always within the limit, For this, you must have to know your limit to eat something.

We, hope that you are getting so many benefits from our blog.

Be healthy!

Be happy!

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Hi, I'm Raj, A passionate health, Wellness Promoter, and Health Professional with Extensive Experience In Health and Wellness. I Share Trusted, Researched Tips on Physical Health, Nutrition, And Overall Well-being. Join me for Practical Advice To Help You Live A Healthier, Happier Life. Let's Make Wellness A Priority Together!

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