Suryanamaskar | History, 12 Poses, Strong Benefits.

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Suryanamaskar|How to do it properly…

Hello dear friends,

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Today we’re covered about sun salutation and its benefits.



Dear friends, every day for all living beings, begins with the sunrise and ends with the sunset.

Surya Namaskar is the way to pray to a god “Suryanarayana”, by doing Surynamaskar we’re just following some of the steps that are directly connected with our whole body.

According to TIMES OF INDIA we can easily burn our calories about 13.5 calories by doing 12 steps of suryanamaskar.

Every dharma adopts the sun as a god-like in Hindu dharma ‘Suryanarayana’, In Persian ‘Mithras’, in greek ‘Appolo’, in Egyptian ‘orisis’.

Sun is giving energy to the earth that is used by all living beings to survive on the earth.

We all should respect the sun as it’s the source of energy and count as a “panchtatva” of earth.

Even in Ramayana lord Shriram prays to the sun to win against the demon king Ravan.

Surya Namaskar is a set of 12 different steps to follow and this set of 12 steps is packaged with different physical and mental benefits.

Surya Namaskar is a technique and praying to the god of Surya will impact the body greatly, you may find different versions of the Sury namaskar but you must have to follow one version to get maximum benefits.



The Surya namaskar or sun salutation is a different posture of the body that is not considered an asana or yoga.

Suryanamaskar is the complete physical exercise of the body that is believed to conceived and propagated by King Of Aundh, late shrimant Balasaheb pant pratinidhi in 1920 and by Shri K.V. Iyer and by Shri Krishnamacharya.

Suryanamaskar is the yogi practice of total body health and it is work from the physical level to the intellectual level.

As per the Puranas regular practice of suryanamaskar can erase past sins and may give them divine grace.


》Benefits of Suryanamaskar:- 

Dear friends, there are lots of benefits we can get from surynamaskar.

As you regularly practice suryanamaskar you might feel your body becomes more flexible and energetic for the whole day.

It will improve your mood and your motivation level will increase as you do it.

Other benefits from suryanamaskar are given below.

– Your physical level upgrade.

– Your intellectual level will increase.

– Your overall weight will maintain.

– You can easily reduce your belly fat by regular practice of suryanamaskar.

– Your confidence level will raise.

– It will maintain your frequent hormonal changes.

– Maintain cardiovascular system.

– Improve your digestion system.

– Stimulate the CNS(Central Nervous System)

– Enhanced cognitive functions.

– Balance your ‘dosha’.

– Improve mental health.

– Good for weight loss.


This is all benefits are visible and can feel by a person who does regular Surya namaskar.


》Different steps of Suryanamaskar:-

Suryanamaskar consists of 12 physical steps that will give you surely benefits.

Let’s begin with a list of steps of suryanamaskar.

1 – Pranamasana (Prayer pose)

2 – Hastautanasana (Raised arms pose)

3 – Hastapadasana (standing forward bend)

4 – Ashva sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)

5 – Dandasana ( Stick pose)

6 – Astanga Namaskara (Salute with 8 parts of the body)

7 – Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

8 – Adho mukha svanasana (Downward direction pose)

9 – Ashwa sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)

10 – Hastapadasana (standing forward bend)

11 – Hastautanasana (Raised arms pose)

12 – Pranamasana (Prayer pose)

So, it is all about the 12 steps of suryanamaskar.

Now, let’s begin!


☆ Surya namaskar| 12 Poses, Benefits, Guide,Procedure, And More.

》How to do surynamaskar:-

Let’s Understand each and every step of suryanamaskar.

1 – Pranamasana(Prayer pose).

☆ Procedure:- 

– Stand straight at the front of your mat, bring your feet together and keep your arms loose alongside.

– Now meet your both palms at the centre of your chest and be relaxed.

– Close your eyes.


☆ Benefits:- 

– Stimulate your central nervous system.

– Relax your mind.

– Get relieved from stress and anxieties.

– Control your thoughts.

– Increase the balance of your body.


2 – Hastautanasana (Raised arms pose).

☆ Procedure:- 

– Exhale as you can maximum.

– Inhale by Stretching your arms and bringing to over the top of your head and pushing them backside your head.

– Stretch you’re lower abdominal forward.

– Breath out.

– Be content with the same combination of breath and posture.


☆ Benefits:- 

– Benefit for whole body stretching.

– Stretch your lower abdomen.

– Beneficial in spine bones.

– Stretch your chest.


3 – Hastapadasana (standing forward bend)

☆ Procedure:- 

– Start from Exhale.

– Fold forward and below the knee.

– Adjust your bend of the knee so your chest can be relaxed.

– Tough your head just above the feet.

– place your hand on the floor.

– Hold for a few seconds.



☆ Benefits:- 

– Benefit for whole body stretching.

– Beneficial in spine bones.

– stretch the hamstring, arms and shoulders.


4 – Ashva sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)

☆ Procedure:-

– Start from standing forward bend.

– With inhale step your right foot backwards.

– Now bend your left knee and align it over the left ankle.

– Rise on your fingertips and strengthen your spine.

– Hold the pose and breath slowly.


☆ Benefits:-  

– Increase Balance of body.

– Good for spine bones.

– Flexibility will increase your legs.

– Build strength in the leg.


5 – parvatasana (Mountain pose)

☆ Procedure:-

– Slowly breathe.

– Keep your feet together and palms together on the floor.

– now bring your hips in the air.

– Move your shoulders towards your ankle.

– Hold positions for a few seconds.


☆ Benefits:- 

– Best stretching Step.

– Stretch your spine.

– Good for arms and legs.

– increase balance in the body.

– Calms the mind.


6 – Astanga Namaskara (Salute with 8 parts of the body)

☆ Procedure:- 

– As you exhale, keep your knees on the floor down and slowly, push down your chest and down your face forward.

– Keep your elbow in the opposite direction and keep your palms on the floor near your chest.

☆ Benefits:- 

– Improve stability.

– Give you Flexibility.

– Strengthen your biceps and triceps.

– Increase your strength in your chest, knees and chest.

– Relieves backache.


7 – Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

☆ Procedure:- 

– Lie down on the chest on the floor.

– Now bent your elbow and keep your palm on the floor.

– Now stretch your chest in an upward direction.

– Keep your shoulders away from your ears.

– Hold this position for 30 seconds.


☆ Benefits:- 

– Stretch your chest.

– Increase the strength of the hand.

– Stretch your abdomen.


8 – Adho mukha svanasana (parvatasana)

☆ Procedure:-

– Now come back in the position of parvatasana again.

– Slowly breathe.

– Keep your feet together and palms together on the floor.

– now bring your hips in the air.

– Move your shoulders towards your ankle.

– Hold positions for a few seconds.


☆ Benefits:- 

– Good for women in menopause.

– Increase blood flow rate through the spinal region.

– Provide calmness.


9 – Ashwa sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)

☆ Procedure:- 

– Now come back in the position of ashwa sanchalanasana again.

– Start from standing forward bend.

– With inhale step your right foot backwards.

– Now bend your left knee and align it over the left ankle.

– Rise on your fingertips and strengthen your spine.

– Hold the pose and breath slowly.


☆ Benefits:- 

– Strengthen the spine.

– Stretch legs.

– Increase tone of the abdominal.


10 – Hastapadasana (standing forward bend)

☆ Procedure:- 

– Now come back in the position of Hastapadasana again.

– Start from Exhale.

– Fold forward and below the knee.

– Adjust your bend of the knee so your chest can be relaxed.

– Tough your head just above the feet.

– place your hand on the floor.

– Hold for a few seconds.



☆ Benefits:- 

– Help with stress.

– Aid in anxieties.

– Good for insomnia.

– Good for the brain.


11 – Hastautanasana (Raised arms pose)

☆ Procedure:-

– Now come back in the position of Hastautanasana again.

– Exhale as you can maximum.

– Inhale by Stretching your arms and bringing to over the top of your head and pushing them backside your head.

– Stretch you’re lower abdominal forward.

– Breath out.

– Be content with the same combination of breath and posture.


☆ Benefits:- 

– useful in the digestive system.

– Increase the strength of arms.

– Help with health problems like asthma, back pain etc.

– Good for the lungs because you can’t take maximum oxygen.


12 – Pranamasana(Prayer pose).

☆ Procedure:- 

– Now come back in the position of Pranamasana again.

– Stand straight at the front of your mat, bring your feet together and keep your arms loose alongside.

– Now meet your both palms at the centre of your chest and be relaxed.

– Close your eyes.


☆ Benefits:- 

– keep your mind stressed less.

– Brain becomes relaxed.

– Good for overall strength.

– Increase strength in knees, thighs and ankles.

If you want to know more about Surya namaskar then go to this link.


☆ Don’t:-

– Don’t strech your body over.

– Do not try to do rigorously .

– Don’t do surynamaskar if you take meal.

– If you have pain in body then consult the doctor and then continue suryanamaskar.

☆ Do :-

– Do it regularly.

– Do it wheny your stomach is empty.

– Practice daily.

– Spread awareness

– Do it at morning.



☆ Conclusion:- 

Suryanamaskar is a set of 12 different postures that can help you to make your body strong and healthy.

It can increase your overall health and may be beneficial for strong diseases.

These 12 steps of suryanamaskar make one cycle of suryanamaskar and for the maximum benefits, you must have to do at least 10 cycles per day.

Start your cycle of suryanamaskar today slowly and for beginners, you must have to do these cycles 3 – 4 times a day.

NOTE:- DO NOT stretch over it can lead to damage to your bones and muscles.

Stretch your body as much as you can.

If you feel back pain, pain in joints, or weakness in your body then please do this practice in front of any advisor.

Do not leave it to try it and your body’s health increase.


Q:- What are the 12 steps of suryanamaskar?

A:- 1 – Pranamasana (Prayer pose)

2 – Hastautanasana (Raised arms pose)

3 – Hastapadasana (standing forward bend)

4 – Ashva sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)

5 – Dandasana ( Stick pose)

6 – Astanga Namaskara (Salute with 8 parts of the body)

7 – Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

8 – Adho mukha svanasana (Downward direction pose)

9 – Ashwa sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)

10 – Hastapadasana (standing forward bend)

11 – Hastautanasana (Raised arms pose)

12 – Pranamasana (Prayer pose)


Q:- Is suryanamaskar can fat my belly fat?

A:- Yes, surely suryanamaskar can burn your excess fat and your body becomes slimy.


Q:- Which is the perfect time for suryanamaskar?

A:- Suryanamaskar is the best for all time but if you follow it regularly in the morning at 6:30 O clock then it will give you more benefits.


Q:- Can I eat before suryanamaskar?

A:- well suryanamaskar is the best solution for almost all the body’s strength but it is all about to Strech your body and you must have to do suryanamaskar when your stomach is empty.


Q:- How many cycles of suryanamaskar do I have to do in 1 day?

A:- You must have to do at least 10-15 cycles of suryanamaskar for best results.


Q:- For beginners how many Suryanamaskar?

A:- A beginner can start with 3 cycles per day and after practice, beginners have to increase it to 10-15 cycles of suryanamaskar.


Q:-Suryanamaskar can weight loss?

A:- Yes regular practice of suryanamaskar can significantly lose weight.


Q:- How many calories burn if I do regular Surya namaskar?

A:- it is difficult to say a perfect single number because it is different for different people and depends on age, body size, and weight.

Estimated calories 350 calories burn if you follow 10-15 cycles per day.


Q:- is Suryanamaskar better than exercise?

A:- well suryanamaskar is all about increasing your health and making your body strong enough to do any task.

Exercise is all about strengthening your particular parts of the body and building muscle of body parts.

Both are important in themselves.

If you want to do an exercise that can easily lose your belly fat and reduce your weight effectively then you must see our “List of 8 Best exercises to lose your weight at home Easily” blog post.

We, hope that you are getting so many benefits from our blog.


Be healthy!

Be happy! 

Thank you…

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