How To Control Anger | Best Ways to control, 9-Types, 9-Causes, 3-Effects

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Finding Inner Calm : Strategies on how to control Anger…

Hello dear,
Today we’re talking about anger and its effect and how to control anger, so it can’t hijack your life.

The Anger Journey & how to control Anger…


Same like, other emotions anger is just an emotion of mind that can arrive depending upon the situation and surroundings.

Before controlling anger we ask a question to you why do you want to control your anger?

Think Answer in your mind !!

Well, after thinking question you may have the result that anger is a bad emotion which can harm our life and relationship right !!

What if we say that anger is not bad emotion or good emotion?
A mindset can makes good  or bad emotions according to situations.

So, never think that emotion is good or bad.

How to control anger
How to control anger

Emotion is the part of the mind and you can control your emotions based on daily practices and adopting some habits.

So, keep in mind that anger is just emotion and you are the boss of your emotion.
So, After breaking this fact let’s move forward and know what is anger and how to control anger.

When your emotion becomes over or higher then anger is bad for you and can harm your life.
Any excessive emotion, rather than normal emotion can harm your life and be considered a bad emotion even, happiness also.

In this topic, we’re covered how to control your anger.

》What is Anger|How to control Anger.

Anger is the emotion of mind that can temper your brain and arrived when something goes wrong or you believe that somebody does wrong with you”.

So, it’s a simple definition of anger emotion.

Anger is a basic human emotion that might you feel every day, whether it may be higher or lower.
Anger is the main emotion of the mind just like happiness, sadness, anxiety and revulsion.
How we see anger is the main thing before controlling anger.

How to control anger
How to control anger

In some cases, anger may be bad for your or good for you, how you see your emotions is more important than you feel them.

A 2010 study found that uncontrolled anger is bad for your physical and mental health.
It can also escalate verbal violence or physical violence, which can harm you or others around you.

》Types of Anger:-

In this topic, we will learn about what are the different types of anger and how we can manage it.
Many types of anger exist, this is how we react to anger is decided the types of anger.

Below are the most 10 common types of anger that you should know.
This type of anger will let you know how you can have solutions for your anger type.

Let’s begin The Journey of How to control anger…

~ 1. Overwhelmed anger:-

This type of anger is the uncontrollable type of anger.

This type of anger occurs when we feel that situations around us are now not in our control and or beyond our control, resulting in a feeling of unhappiness and frustration.

This type of anger is common when we are getting too much responsibility and unwanted life events that can overthrow the usual capacity to cope with stress management.

How to manage it:-

• Try to ask for help from your friends, colleagues, teachers or other’s family.
• Try to ask for what you need that can support you to exit from this habit of anger.
Just like sitting with a baby can help you a lot, walking around the garden also can help you a lot.

~ 2. Judgemental anger:-

This anger is a type of righteously tempered type of anger.

This anger can occur when you understand that someone try to do injustices to you or someone else.

How to manage it:-

• You have to understand that everybody has their own mind.
• You have to undertake the two sides of the coin, one side has a tail (happiness) and the other side has a head(sadness).
• You have to understand the reality of life and go ahead with precautions that it’s your responsibility to keep in mind that everybody can make you sad.
• Keep the power of understanding with you do not give power to people who can do injustice to you.

~ 3. Chronic anger:-

This type of anger is the ongoing type of anger, that you may feel continuously during your work and towards your family, friends, relatives even yourself.

The prolonged nature of this type of anger can make a big impact on the health and Happiness around you.

How to manage it:-

• You have to identify the source of chronic anger.
• You can easily resolve the inner conflict that you are experiencing by forgiving yourself and other situations that can cause chronic anger to happen.
• you have to learn to express your emotions of anger can help to fight with anger.

~ 4. Behavioural anger:-

This type of anger is the decision to react physically toward your source of or feelings of anger.

This type of anger is physical and often very aggressive.

How to manage it:-

• Understand that anger is don’t automatically generated there is some kind of reason that may force you to undergo behavioural anger.
• When you feel this type of anger just let it go away and remove yourself from that situation.
• Try to Affirm that everything is ok and stay cool.
• Consider going walking or running.

~ 5. Assertive anger:-

Assertive types of anger are helpful for you, you can use these types of anger for motivation and to make other types of positive changes made in you.

Assertive anger is a controllable type of anger and can be used for your growth.

How to manage it:-

• Assertive anger can be a powerful motivator that is coming from inside.
• It can help you a lot to overcome fears and injustices and get desired results in whatever your goal is.
• Except avoiding it use it for growth.

~ 6. Volatile anger:-

This type of anger is just a high level of anger.
This type of anger occurs when you feel some small annoyances or some large frustration.
You may feel yelling, shouting, throwing objects or physical aggression.

How to manage it:-

• Write down things that can force you to undergo volatile anger.
• Identify those things and try to remove them.
• Try relaxing techniques like meditation and deep breathing.

~ 7. Verbal anger:-

This type of anger is less dangerous than the behavioural anger type.
This type of anger can deeply hurt some who feel this type of anger.
You may express this type of anger by threats, sarcasm, intense blaming and abusing someone.

How to manage it:-
• Take a breath before speaking.
• Try to count from 50 to 1.
• Change your mindset and replace your words with assertive anger expressions.

~ 8. Self-abuse anger:-

This type of anger is the shame-based type of anger.
If you feel hopeless, doubting, unworthy, less creative and more negative things like this you might express anger through negative self-talk,
Self-harm, disordered eating.

How to manage it:-
• Learn to reframe your cognitive activities.
• mindfulness meditation can help you a lot.
• Reading books.
• Listen to music.

You can check HERE for more details.

~9. Passive aggressive anger:-

This type is the avoidant type of anger.

If this is your usual mode of anger you may avoid all forms of conflict, and deny any feelings of frustration and fury that you experiencing.

How to manage it:- 
• Learn to express your feeling of passive-aggressive anger.
• Try to explore your fear and conflicts.

~ 10. Retaliatory anger:-

In this type of anger, you may feel to hurt those people who hurt you in past.
The retaliation can be verbal, physical or emotional.
This can make you feel better initially and can destroy your relationship for a long time.

 How to manage it:-

• Think before you act.
• Use 24 hours of the rule to react.

So this is a type of anger and its management tips.

》Causes of Anger:-

Many things can trigger anger issues, just as financial problems, family problems, stress, violence, traffic etc.

For many people anger xan causes by consuming alcoholic drinks and drugs.

Let’s see different causes of anger.

☆ 1.  Unfavourable conditions:-

Sometimes the biggest cause of anger is a condition that you might not like to happen.
It includes any disappointment regarding the job, business and personal life.

Sometimes any friends just pass joke on you that also includes unfavourable conditions.
To prevent these types of conditions you must have to avoid situations, where you don’t feel good.
Unfavourable conditions include more than we can think of it.

☆ 2. Depression:-

Another cause of anger is depression due to stress or loss in business.

Depression can cause stress, and anxiety and you may feel irritability and that’s the reason behind your anger.

Due to depressed mind anger can be expressed extremely rage or overtly expressed.

☆ 3.  OCD:-

This means Obsessive-compulsive disorder which defines one type of anxiety disorder that is characterized by obsessive thought and compulsive behaviour.

A person with OCD has unwanted thoughts, urges or images that may force them to do a repetitive task.

Let’s take an example:-

A person with OCD can count numbers repeatedly because of just fake beliefs like something happens wrong if they don’t do it.

Anger may come from this type of obsessive thought and compulsive behaviour.

☆ 4. Alcoholism:-

Alcoholism is known as no one can control the use of alcohol, and experience depression when they do not drink.

Research shows that Alcoholism creates a mental health disorder that can cause changes in thought, behaviour and actions.

Alcoholism can cause a person feels below mentioned symptoms.

• Feel lonely.
• Don’t stay alert.
• Limited social circles.
• issues that are related to chronic medical illnesses.
• Abusing alcohol.

So it also the biggest cause of anger can be.

☆ 5. ADHD:-

   Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopment disorder that can be marked by a person can have hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity.

This type of disorder can happen in childhood and be continued till adulthood it is called ADULT ADHD.

In this disorder, a person can feel low self-esteem, and difficulty at school or work and in relationships.

It also includes poor time and money management, Problems in focusing and restlessness.

☆ 6.  Oppositional defiant disorder:-

ODD is an Oppositional defiant disorder that can happen in childhood from 1 to 16 years of age.

It includes the Symptoms of irritability, aggression, anti-social behaviour, impulsivity and screaming.

This may result in anger, anxiety and depression.

☆ 7. Bipolar disorder:-

BD is a Bipolar disorder that includes 2changes in your mood frequently.
Bipolar disorder ranges from manic highs to low depression.

A person with Bipolar disorder may feel sadness, alone, euphoria, apprehensive, apathy, anxiety etc.

Cognitive functions like lack of focus, attention  , racing thoughts and unwanted thoughts.

☆ 8. intermittent disorder:-

ID is an intermittent disorder that includes repeated scenarios of aggression, and impulsive and violent actions.

It may last less than 30 minutes and can harm you and around you.

People with ID can feel the angry mood and irritable.

Some common behaviour includes fighting, arguments, physical violence etc.

☆ 9.  Grief:-

Grief is one of the stages of anger.
It may come from a breakup with somebody, the deaths of loved ones, divorce or losing jobs.

Anger may be directed towards the person who is included in your scene which causes you depressed.

Other symptoms include sadness, loneliness, behaviour changes, Shock etc.

So, there is the main and important cause of anger that may you feel in your daily life.
It is the basic cause of anger, if you know this causes you can control your anger.

》Effect of Anger:-

An anger issue contains two types of symptoms that are Physical symptoms and mental symptoms.

▪︎ Physical Effect:-

Anger-affected persons can affect heart rate, heart health, brain, and muscles.

A 2010 study included the effect of anger may imply on testosterone levels to increase and decrease in the level of cortisol hormones.

Other, Effects of anger may include the below-listed disadvantages.

• Increase in heart rates.
• Increase in blood pressure.
• Muscle tension.
• Body temperature rises.
• Respiration increase.

How to control anger
How to control anger

▪︎ Mental Effects:-

There are several mental effects detected just before the anger or just after the anger scenario.

A list of anger’s effects on mental health includes below of Symptoms.

• Depression.
• Anxiety.
• Stress.
• Tiredness.
• Irritability.
• Frustration.
• Guilty.
• Overwhelmed.
• Rage.

▪︎ Relationship Effect:-

Anger can destroy your strongest relationship with your loved ones or friends.

Anger can cause, to people make less trust in you, and people to feel uncomfortable and speak honestly in front of you.

After seeing effect of anger we can understand why it is necessary to know about “how to control anger”.

》How to control anger:-

Control your anger by adopting some good practices and habits that easily can help you a lot in the management of your anger.

Well, This post contains lots of data and information about anger that’s why we provide different types of techniques to control your anger in a better way.

You can check below of post to control your anger naturally.

Strategies To Control Your Anger| Instant & Permanent 11 super strategies to control your Anger.


A wave of anger is the normal emotion of the mind, but as we say above any emotion rather than a normal condition then it would be bad for your mind and yourself.

Treat your anger normally and adopt some habits and ways to make your anger low.

A mental health professional can also help you to work through your anger and anxiety.
Adopt some good practices and you can control your anger.

Many types of anger can help you a lot in your career and use it to help you in your growth.

It’s all about how to control anger, wish that you’d get valuable insights from this post.

Assertive anger.

- Chronic anger.

- Behavior anger.

- Passive aggressive anger.

- Judgemental anger.

- Retaliatory anger.

- Abusive anger.

- Verbal and Volatile anger.

- Think before you speak.

- Use humour language.

- Once you are calm say sorry and express why you feel anger.

- Don't hold feelings.

- Get exercise.

- Stay some time alone and think about your relationship.

- Practice relaxation techniques.

They don't understand the feeling of others.

- They shout at you.

- Irritated easily.

- They want to win against you.

- They hate when you argue with him.

- They try to prove that they are right always.

- They show rage but don't change and say sorry

- People don't like them.

- They become an anti-social person.

- They hurt someone mentally or physically.

- Physically inactive.

- Heart rate increases.

- Blood pressure increases.

- Muscle pain.

- Tiredness.

- Depression.

- Anxiety.

- Social behaviour changes.

- Anti-social behaviour.

- Mood swing.

- Heart attack.


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