How to increase Platelet count | Range, 10+ food’s to Platelets count, Nutrients, Supplements

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Different Types of Food and Nutrition to Increase Platelet Count.

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Different Types of Food and Nutrition to Increase Platelet Count

》What is the Platelet:-

        “Platelets are the smallest components of your blood that control blooding if you have serious injuries”.

Platelets are known to form clots and just stick with each other to make clots over injuries, and stop the bleeding.

Platelets are produced in the bone marrow and Interfuse with blood.

Platelets have only 8 to 10  days to live with blood after that body will destroy the platelets and generate new platelets.

Due to some reason, we may see a disorder in platelet count may be your platelet count become lower than the normal range or may your platelet count becomes higher than the normal range.

Food's to Increase Platelet count
Food’s to increase Platelet count

》Range of platelets:-

Well originally, Normal platelets count is different for young adults and women.

From the range of the platelets, we can decide how your blood will stop to lose during injuries.

# Normal range:-

A normal range of platelets is counted between 1,50000 To 4,50000 per microliter of blood.
Well, this count can be different in ladies that is 1,57000 to 3,71000.

# Trombocytosis:-

If your blood contains above the normal range of platelets count that is  ‘Platelets count >4,50000’ then it is known as “Thrombocytopenia” disorder of platelets counts.

# Thrombocytopenia:-

If your blood contains below the normal range of platelets count that is Platelets count < 1,50000′ then it is known as “Thrombocytosis” disorder of the platelets count.

You can get your platelets to count from the normal test of blood called CBCT- COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT TEST.

》Causes of low platelets and high platelet:-

There are most important and general reasons for low blood count are given below.

– Alcoholism
– Bacterial infection
– Chemical exposure
– Bone marrow disease i.e, anaemia or cancer
– kidney infection
– Side effects of medication
– Chemotherapy drugs
– Radiation therapy

Increase Platelet count
Cause of low platelets count | Increase Platelet count

Now, We will see the most common causes of High platelet count.

– Blood cancer
– Cancer
– Anemia
– Infection
– Inflammatory condition
– Kidney failure
– Surgery mainly abdominal surgery
– Injury
– Treatment of Vitamin deficiency like B12
– Removal of your Spleen

》How to increase platelet count:-

After knowing the reasons and all about platelets count we will see how to increase your platelets count naturally at home by taking food and nutrients.

▪︎ Food to increase Platelets.

By taking special foods during your low platelet count you can promote your platelets count at home.

List of foods that you can eat to increase Platelet count is given below.

》Food to increase your platelet count:-

– Vitamin B-9 Rich Foods:-

       According to “The National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements” an adult needs 400 Micrograms of folate daily and pregnant women need 600 micrograms.

Vitamin B-9 or folate-rich foods is an Essential food for healthy blood cells.

A list of food that contains folate or folic acid is given below.

– Green leafy vegetables.
– Asparagus.
– Eggs.
– Broccoli.
– Banana.
– Peanut.
– Okra.
– Cauliflower.
– Sunflower seed.
– Papaya.
– Carrot.

Food's to increase Platelet count
Food’s to increase Platelet count

– Vitamin B-12 Rich Foods:-

Vitamin B-12 is very essential for producing red blood cells and lower levels of B-12 May affects the lower level of platelet count.

So, increase your Vitamin B12 to increase platelet count.

According to “The National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements” adults need  2.4 micrograms of B-12 and pregnant women need 2.5 Micrograms.

▪︎ Nonveg food to increase your B-12:-

– Fish.
– Beef liver.
– Eggs.
– Meat.
– Chicken.

▪︎ Veg food to increase your B-12:-

– Fortified Cereal.
– Yoghurt.
– Nutritional yeast.
– Almond milk.
– Supplements.

– Vitamin C Rich Foods:-

Vitamin C-rich food is an essential food to increase your immune system and it also helps the platelets to function properly and eventually it will increase platelet count.

It is also helpful in absorbing iron which is also helpful in maintaining healthy platelets.

▪︎ List of Vitamin C food is given below.
– Kiwi.
– Oranges.
– Grapes.
– Tomatoes.
– Broccoli.
– Papaya.
– Mango.
– Pineapple.
– Cabbage.
– Amla.

– Vitamin D Rich Food’s:-

Vitamin D contributes to maintaining the proper functioning of the nervous systems, bones, muscles and immune systems.

According to” Platelets disorder support associations “Vitamin D plays a very important role in the function of bone marrow.

We can get Vitamin D from sun exposure but every day is not the same day and everybody can’t get enough sun exposure daily.

So you can get Vitamin D from the following food.

▪︎ Non-vegetarian food’s:-

– Fish like salmon, tuna etc.
– Eggs Yolk.
– Liver.
– Canned Fish.

▪︎ Vegetarian foods:-
– Cereal.
– Yoghurt.
– Oranges.
– Dairy products.

– Vitamin K Rich Food’s:-

Vitamin K is the best solution for blood clotting and increase health in bones.

According to “Platelets disorder support associations” a significant improvement is seen in platelets count and bleeding symptoms for people who took vitamin k regularly.

According to the National Institutes of Health, those aged 19 and above males require 120 micrograms of vitamin k and females 90 micrograms.

– Green leafy vegetables.
– Asparagus.
– Eggs.
– Broccoli.
– Banana.
– Peanut.
– Okra.
– Cauliflower.
– Sunflower seed.
– Papaya.
– Carrot.

》Supplement to increase your platelets count:-

☆ Papaya Leaf:-

We can say this super supplement increases your platelets count.

       We already have experience with this when I suffered from dengue infection then I just pluck a leaf of papaya Tree and blend in a grinder and drink it with water.
Just within 1 day, the doctor says that your platelets count is raised.

       A 2013 study found that papaya leaf extract can increase platelet count in animals and it is also applied in humans.

☆ Melatonin:-

Melatonin is the Natural hormone produced by
the pineal gland in your brain that is used to maintain your sleep cycles.

  One study found that Melatonin is also used to increase your platelets count, Well this study is based on a small scale so further study is required to fully understand the effect of Melatonin on platelet count.

You can buy Melatonin tablets from your nearby medical shops.
Note:- Use it after prescribed by the doctors.

☆ Bovine Colostrum:-

      Bovine colostrum is the first substance that a Baby cow is getting from its mother.

Bovine colostrum is the milky fluid that comes from the udder of cows for the first few days after giving birth to a baby.

It is found that Bovine colostrum is useful in Protecting against pathogens, In improvements of the immune system, To improve the growth, Maturation and repair of several tissues.

A study of Platelets disorder support associations found that people reported benefits after taking bovine colostrum.

》 Foods that decrease platelets count:-

While some foods promote your platelets, others decrease your platelets count including beverages.

According to ‘Pubmed central’ a high source of database list of food that can lower your platelets count is as follows.

• Quinine, found in tonic water
• Alcohol consumption.
• Cranberry Juice.
• Cow’s Milk.
• Foods with a low glycemic index.
• Garlic.
• Ginger.
• Tomato.
• Onion.
• Wine.
• Purple Grapes Juice.

To Read more about how it affects platelets count click HERE.


Platelets are the very important cells of the blood that are used to prevent extra bleeding.

Due to some reason, you may face platelets disorder and it is cured with a continuous process of curing and attention.

Adopt the above tricks as your habit then it would increase your lower platelets count.

Don’t be afraid of lower platelets most of the reasons for platelets lowering are just infections like dengue and other diseases and they can be cured as you recover from that particular conditions.

This is all about how to increase platelet count at Naturally.

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Don't be afraid and just pluck one leaf from the papaya tree.

- Grind it.

- mixed it with water.

- Boult it.

- Drink it.

Note:- Use it with a prescription by a doctor. Overuse may exceed the platelets.

Eggs can use to boost your platelets count as they contain albumin which is a vital protein found in the blood.

Quinine, found in tonic water

• Alcohol consumption.

• Cranberry Juice.

• Cow's Milk.

• Foods with a low glycemic index.

• Garlic.

• Ginger.

• Tomato.

• Onion.

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