What Are Tailor sitting Exercises | Improve Posture & Flexibility.

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Tailor Sitting Exercise & How to Do It… 

Hey! Do you feel stiff and achy after sitting for long hours?

If your answer Is Yes then it’s time to explore the world of Tailor-sitting Exercises…

Tailor sitting, also known as cross-legged sitting or Indian-style sitting, is a posture that has been practised for centuries in various cultures.
Not only is it a comfortable sitting position but it is also known for its benefits for your body and mind, especially during pregnancy.

Research and Studies have shown that tailored sitting exercises can have a significant impact on your overall well-being.

A study published in the Journal of Physical Science has shown that tailored sitting exercise is beneficial in improving posture, increasing flexibility, and improving core strength.

This can be beneficial for those who have to sit for long hours or engage in a sedentary lifestyle.
In addition to physical benefits, tailored sitting exercise can have benefits in mental health also i.e., improved focus and relaxation.

Statistics further support the effectiveness of tailor-sitting. In a study conducted by well-known organizations, it was found that individuals who incorporated tailored sitting exercises reported a reduction in back pain and increased overall satisfaction with their posture.

So get ready to transform your sitting experience and unlock the world of sitting experience, comfort, and flexibility.

How to do Tailor sitting exercise
How to do Tailor sitting exercise


What Is Tailor Sitting Exercise

Tailor sitting exercises also known as cross-legged exercises or Indian-style exercises, refer to a series of movements and stretches performed while sitting cross-legged on the floor.

Tailor sitting exercises target various muscle groups including hips, back, core, and legs to provide flexibility, stability, and overall well-being.

Tailor-sitting exercises typically involve stretching, strengthening, and balancing movements.
These exercises may involve stretching, bending forward, side stretched, spinal twists, hip opener, and core engagement exercises.

The primary focus of tailored sitting exercises is to provide balance, and aligned posture, relieve tension in the lower back, increase flexibility and mobility in the joints, and develop core strength and better stability support.

How To Get Started For Tailor Sitting Exercise

Before you start your tailored sitting exercises routine finding a calm and supportive environment is crucial for better results.

Here we give you a few steps for preparing for your position:

– Find Quite, peaceful, and adequate size place where you can practice without being distracted.
– Use a cushion or folded blanket to elevate your hips and provide extra support.
– Sit on a non-slip surface to ensure stability during exercise.
– Wear loose and comfortable clothes that allow you to unrestricted movements.

Basic Tailor Sitting Pose:
To begin your tailor sitting pose you must have to follow these simple steps.

– Sit on the floor with legs extending in front of you.
– Bend your knee and cross your leg, placing each foot underneath the opposite knees.
– Ensure your spine is upright and your shoulders are relaxed.
– Rest your hands on your knees or thighs.
– Take a few breaths and allow your body to settle into this posture.

Now your body and mind are familiar with the tailor sitting basic posture and now we can move forward on different exercises.

Tailor Sitting Exercises
Tailor Sitting Exercises


》List Of Tailor Stretching Exercises

Here are some specific Stretching exercises that target the back, legs, shoulders, and hips.
Please note that always listen to your body and stretch as much as you can or stretch within a comfortable range of motion.
If you have pain and discomfort please immediately stop the exercises and consult with a healthcare Professional.

1. Seated Forward bend

– Sit in a tailor sitting position with your cross-legged and tall spine.
– Inhale deeply, and as you exhale slowly hinge forward your hips, reaching your hands towards your feet.
– Try to keep your back straight and avoid rounding the shape of the spine.
– Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, Breathing deeply.
– Slowly go back to an upright position, inhaling as you do so.

Yoga Poses For Comfortable Pregnancy

2. Seated Spinal Twist

The spinal twist exercises target the muscles of the back and help in improving spinal mobility.

– Sit in the tailor sitting pose with upper right spinal posture.
– Place your right hand on the left knee and gently twist your torso to the left.
– Ensure that your spine stays straight and lengthened during the twist.
– Inhale deeply, during your twisting.
– Hold the position for 30 seconds.
– Come back to the original position.
– Repeat the process in the opposite direction.

3. Butterfly Stretch

The butterfly stretch targets the hips and inner thighs.

– Sit in the position of tailor sitting, cross-legged and bring the soles of your foot together, allowing your knees to drop on the floor.
– Hold your ankle or feet with your hand for support.
– No gently press your knees towards the flood and feel stretch in your inner thighs.
– Hold the position for 30 seconds.
– Slowly release the stretch and return to the tailor sitting position.

4. Shoulder Stretch

– Sit in a tailor sitting position and extend your arms straight out in front of you at shoulder level.
– Try to reach your left arm under your right arm, bending it at the elbow, and try to clasp your hands or touch your fingers.
– Feel a Stretch in your right shoulder and upper back.
– Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and then change the sides and repeat.

》List Of Tailor Strengthening Exercises

Here are some tailor-strengthening exercises that target the core, lower back, and legs.

1. Seated Leg Lift

– Start with a tailor sitting position.
– Place your hands beside your hips for support.
– Engage your core muscles, and lift one leg off the floor, keeping it straight.
– Hold the lifted leg for 30 seconds and get back it down.
– Repeat it with the other leg.
– For beginners: Start with a few repetitions on each leg and gradually increase as you build strength.
– For advanced: Add weight to the ankle or resistance band to increase the intensity.

2. Seated knee squeezes

– Sit in the position of tailor sitting position cross-legged and with a tall spine.
– Place a small exercise ball or cushion between your knees.
– Squeeze the ball or knees with your knees, engaging your inner thigh muscles.
– Hold the squeeze for a few seconds then release.

For beginners: Start with a gentle squeeze and gradually increase the intensity.

For Advanced: Use a firmer ball or cushion and hold the squeeze for a longer duration.

3. Seated twist with resistance

– Start with sitting in a tailor sitting position and with a tall spine.
– Hold a resistance band in front of you with both hands and arms extended.
– Engage your core muscles and twist your torso to one side, pulling the resistance band along with you.
– Return to the centre and repeat on the other side.

For beginners: Use a lighter resistance band and perform the twist with controlled movements.

For advanced: Use a heavier resistance band or increase the tension.

4. Seated Boat pose

– Start with sitting in a tailor sitting position and with a tall spine.
– Place your hands beside your hips for support.
– Engage your core muscles and lean back slightly, lifting your foot off the floor.
– Maintaining balance holding the position, keeping your chest lifted and your spine straight.

For beginners: keep your knees bent and find balance in this modified position.
For advanced: Straighten your legs and try to extend them parallel to the floor, challenging your core stability.

Note:- Remember to maintain the proper form of alignment through any exercise.
Start with several repetitions or durations whatever is comfortable for you and gradually increase as you gain strength, core stability, and balance.
If you have any existing concerns or conditions please consult with a professional before starting any new exercises.

》How to Maintain Comfort During Tailor Sitting Exercise

Sitting in a tailor position can be beneficial for you if you have to sit for longer periods, but it is important to ensure your comfort during sitting.
Discomfort or strain during sitting can detract from the positive effect of tailoring sitting.
Here we will provide you with how to sit in a tailor-sitting position with ease.

▪︎ Tips No. 1:- Use cushions or pillows

Adding cushions or pillows to support your body can significantly enhance your comfort in the tailor position.

Here are a few options you should try:

– Seat Cushion:- Seat on the cushion to provide extra padding and support.
– Back cushion:- Use a cushion or rolled-up towel to support your lower back, maintaining a natural curve in your spine.
– Knee support:- If your knee doesn’t feel comfortable, place a cushion or folded blanket to support and alleviate pressure.

▪︎ Tip No.2:- Take a break to stretch

Even though a tailored sitting position offers various benefits, taking a regular break is very important for stretching and releasing tension.

Here are a few Stretching exercises you can do during your breaks:

Forward Fold:-
– Stand up and gently bend forward, allowing your upper body to hang loosely towards your leg. Gently sway from side to side to release tension in your lower back and hamstring.

Shoulder Rolls:-
– Roll your shoulders in forward and backward positions to relieve any tension or stress in your shoulders.

Neck stretches:-
– Tilt your head from side to side, bringing your ears to move towards your shoulders, to allow Neck muscles to stretch.

▪︎ Tip No. 3:- Adjust your posture regularly

Maintaining good posture is crucial for staying comfortable in the tailor position.

Here are some tips for proper posture.

– Sit tall:- Keep your spine lengthened or aligned, avoiding slouching or rounding off the back.
– Engage your core:- Activate your core muscles by drawing your navel towards your spine. This will provide stability and support to your lower back.
– Relax your shoulders:- let your shoulders relax and tense them up towards your ears.

Remember to adjust your posture regularly and check in with your body to ensure proper alignment and comfort.

▪︎ Tips No.4:- Mindful breathing

Incorporate mindful breathing into tailored sitting practices to promote relaxation and relieve any discomfort.

– Take a slow and Deep breath, inhaling from your nose and exhaling from your mouth.
– Pay attention to your breath as it flows in and out.
– Allow it to calm your body and mind.

Mindful breathing is not only helpful for maintaining comfort but also useful in encouraging a sense of tranquillity and focus.

▪︎ Tips No.5:- Gradually increase the duration

If you’re new to tailor sitting exercises then it will be difficult for you to sit for longer periods, so it is advisable to you that you have to start with shorter periods and gradually increase the duration.

This will prevent excessive strain and discomfort.
Listen to your body and do this exercise as far as you feel comfortable.

 》Mistakes During Tailor Sitting Exercises

Here are a few mistakes that everyone makes in maintaining their tailor sitting exercises, so try to avoid these mistakes by choosing the right guidelines on how to correct them.

# Mistake No.1:- Slouching or rounded shoulders

• Correction No.1:- maintaining upright posture by sitting tall, lengthening your spine, and gently drawing your shoulders to the back and down.
You can imagine that string pulling you up from the crown of your head.

# Mistake No.2:- Overarching The lower back

• Correction No.2:- Engage your core muscles by drawing your navel towards your spine to avoid excessive arching of the lower back.
This helps to maintain your spine in the correct position and support the lower back.

#Mistake No. 3:- Crossing legs too tight

• Correction No.3:- Allow some space in between your cross-legged to avoid restricting your blood flow.
Find your perfect position for hips and knees to engage proper circulation.

#Mistake No.4:- Tension in the neck and jaw

• Correction No.4:- Relax your jaw and separate your teeth slightly to avoid tension in the jaw and neck.
Soften your facial muscles to let go of unnecessary tension.

#Mistake No.5:- Holding the breath

• Correction No.5:- Always remember to breathe deeply and consciously throughout the exercises. Avoid holding your breath and shallow breath.
Allow your breath to be natural and deep and facilitate oxygen flow and reduce tension in your body.

#Mistake No.6:- Lack of warm-up and cool-down

• Correction No.6:- Before starting tailoring sitting exercises it is important to warm up your body with gentle stretching and movements.
Afterward, incorporate in cool-down routine to help your muscles relax and recover.

#Mistake No.7:- Straining and pushing beyond the limit

• Correction No.7:- Always respect your Body’s limit and work within a comfortable range of motion.

#Mistake No.8:- Neglecting Regular breaks

• Correction No.8:- Take regular breaks during tailoring sitting exercises to standing up, stretching, and moving around.
This helps to remove stiffness, remove fatigue and improve circulation.

#Mistake No.9:- Ignoring pain or Discomfort

• Correction No.9:- If you feel excessive pain or Discomfort immediately stop the exercises.
Consult with a healthcare professional if you have persistent problems.

How to Incorporate Into Tailor Sitting Exercise

Incorporating into tailor sitting exercises daily can be beneficial for your flexibility, posture, and overall well-being.

Here are some suggestions on how you can incorporate daily into tailoring sitting practices.

1. While watching TV:- Practice tailoring sitting exercises during slow-paced movement and commercial breaks.

2. At your Desk:- Take short breaks to perform exercises, stretch or engage your core while sitting in a tailor position.

3. During Work Breaks:- Use your breaks to move and stretch and find a quiet spot to practice tailoring sitting exercises.

4. During travelling:- Stay active during long journeys by discreetly performing tailor sitting exercises.

5. Morning or Evening routine:- Start or end your day with tailored sitting exercises to improve posture and relax your body and mind.

6. During meditation or mindfulness:-

Incorporate tailored sitting exercises during Meditation or Mindfulness to improve focus and awareness.

》How To Progress Ny Tailor Sitting Exercise

Once you have mastered the basic tailor sitting exercises then you can try below of advanced techniques to get more benefits.

Here are some tips and tricks to advance your tailor sitting exercises.

1. Gradually increase duration:-

Gradually increase the period for tailor sitting exercises, Start with shorter sessions and then you can increase your period for a longer duration.
This will further improve flexibility and endurance.

2. Advanced Stretches:-

Explore more challenging stretches for the back, hips, and shoulders. Experiment with a deeper forward bend, more intense spinal twists, and advanced hip opening exercises.

3. Engaging the core:-

Focus on engaging in the core strengthening exercises while in the tailored sitting exercises.
Incorporate exercises just like seated crunches, leg lifts, and Russian twists.
Engaging in core exercises will give you more stability, balance, and Overall well-being.

4. Resistance Training:-

Integrate a kight resistance band or small weight into your tailored sitting exercises to increase the challenge.
Perform exercises such as biceps curls, lateral raises, and seated rows while maintaining proper form and position.

5. Balancing exercises:-

Work on improving balancing and maintaining stability while in a tailored sitting position.
Try to lift one leg off the ground and practice to make it stable and balancing it, will help you to engage in more core strength exercises.

6. Yoga asanas:

Incorporate daily yoga asana poses into your tailored sitting exercises.
Explore more advanced seated poses like the Lotus pose(Padmasana) And Fire log pose(agnistabhasana).
These poses help to deepen the stretch, relaxation, and mindfulness.

Remember to progress at your own pace and only attempt advanced techniques when you are ready.

Also Read:- Tailor Sitting Exercise During Pregnancy 


Incorporate into daily tailored sitting exercises can have benefits in improving stability, flexibility, and balance.

Tailor-sitting exercises can reconnect with your body and promote a sense of mindfulness and calmness.
Whether you are working at a desk, watching TV, or taking breaks you can easily incorporate these exercises.

Remember to start with basic exercises, gradually progress, and challenge yourself with advanced techniques only when you are ready.
Listen to your body, respect the body’s limits, and consult with a Healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

So why wait? Begin your tailor sitting exercises journey today and witness the positive impact of these exercises.
Make it a consistent part of your daily routine and you’ll be on your way to improving posture, increasing flexibility, and being healthier and happier…

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