6 Ways & 8 Foods to increase white blood cells count | Increase Immune system.

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Food to increase white blood cell count| Immune system.

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We will discuss in this post how we can increase our White blood cells count .

Are You Experiencing Low White blood cells count ?

Want to know how we can increase White blood cells count ?

Then this post is specially designed to meet your queries regarding White blood cells count . 

We will see if is there any food that can increase White blood cells count and many more regarding increasing White blood cells count .

” After researching numerous research papers and conducting an analysis of various studies from reputable institutions, we have compiled straightforward and excellent results to address your specific queries regarding increasing White blood cells count “.


Let’s get started…

》Interesting Intro. & Shocking Facts:-

” Increasing White blood cells count refers to boosting the number of White blood cells count count in blood streams”.

White blood cells count have a very important role in the body as they protect us from infection, bacteria and foreign invaders.

If due to some reason White blood cells count are reduced then which can weaken the body’s immune system and make it more difficult to fight against infectious diseases.

There are natural ways that can increase White blood cells count such as maintaining a healthy diet, getting quality sleep, managing stress, exercising regularly, limit alcohol and smoking.

If Patients with low White blood cells count have severe symptoms then there may be a need for medication for fast recovery.

According to “Oncology Nutrition” below are the fact related to increasing White blood cells count .

☆ Facts:- There is No Specific Food or Diet that DIRECTLY increases White blood cells count count.

Only some food is useful in situations where it eases the production of White blood cells count count.

Nowadays, If any institution or company claims that they can increase White blood cells count then do not believe them.

General Tips:- If you have a low white blood count then just practice good hygiene, hand-washing and food safety practices.

Let’s see food and methods that help to ease the production of White blood cells count .

Note:- Consuming certain food and nutrients that support the immune system therefore we can increase White blood cells count indirectly.

So, Here we are providing a list of food that can increase the immune system.

Food to increase white blood cells count
Food to increase White blood cells count

》Food’s to increase white blood cell count |Immune system:-

Below is a list of food that can be used to increase your white blood cell’s count and immune systems naturally.

1. Citrus food:-

Citrus food such as oranges, lime, lemon and grapefruit are contains vitamin ‘C’ which helps to stimulate White blood cells count and improve the immune system.

Citrus foods are powerful antioxidants that help to protect cells from damage and plays important role in immune systems.

Overall, Citrus fruits are nutritious and delicious to add to in diet.

• Citrus fruit list:

– Oranges

– Lemons

– Lime

– Grapes.

– pomelos.

– kiwi.


2. Leafy green vegetables:-

Leafy green vegetables are a group of vegetables that are identified by dark green leaves and high nutritional values.

They are packed with nutrients, vitamins and fibre and are an important part of a healthy diet.

Leafy green vegetables are rich in vitamins A, C, E and K.

Also rich in minerals like iron, calcium and potassium.

Adding leafy green vegetables to your diet can help to increase overall health and can provide many health benefits including digestion, and lower the risk of chronic disease and immune systems.

Indirectly these vegetables are useful in the production of more White blood cells count .

A list of green vegetables are:

– Spinach.

– Collard greens.

– Kale.

– Swiss chard.

– Bok choy

– watercress.

– Broccoli.


3. Ginger:-

Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help improve the immune system and increase white blood cell’s.

Ginger is commonly used as herbal medicine and spice.

Ginger also helps in the digestive system and it has anti-cancer properties.

It also helps to reduce nausea and bloating.

Food to increase white blood cells count
Food to increase White blood cells count

4. Garlic:-

Garlic contains specific ingredients “allicin” that can aid in increasing the immune system and white blood cell’s naturally.

Garlic has been also known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

Garlic also has other compounds that are useful in cancer.

Garlic helps in bloating, gas and other digestive problems.


5. Berries:-

Berries like blueberries, raspberries and strawberries are known for its antioxidants capabilities and can help to increase your immune system and white blood cell’s.

Berries are also rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre.

Berries contain vitamins like K & C and contain minerals like potassium and Manganese.


6. Nuts and seeds:-

Nuts and seeds like Almond, Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are rich in vitamin E, which can help to boost the immune system and increase white blood cell’s.

They are a group of nutrient-dense food that is rich in healthy fats, protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals.

Nuts and seeds are good sources of minerals like calcium, magnesium and phosphorus which are important for bone health.


7. Yoghurt:-

Yoghurt contains probiotics that can help improve gut health and boost immune function.

Yoghurt is a good source of calcium and other bones building nutrients, which helps improve bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis

Yoghurt is a good source of Vitamin B12, minerals and protein and calcium which makes them to useful in boosting immune system.


8. Papaya leaves:-

Papaya leaves contain acetogenin which is an important compound that is used to boost the immune system by increasing white blood cell’s.

Papaya leaf juice is extremely beneficial in dengue fewer.


》General ways to increase immune system & White blood cells count :-

General ways that can aid in increasing the immune system and white blood cell’s.

1. Eat a healthy diet:-

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein can provide the essential vitamins and nutrients that can aid to produce more white blood cell’s.

2. Get quality sleep:-

Enough sleep is very important for a healthy immune system and white blood cell’s production.

Adults need to sleep nearly 7-8 hours daily.

3. Exercise daily:-

Regular exercise can boost the immune system and white blood cell’s production.

To stay healthy, fit and fine everyone should exercise 150 minutes per week.

4. Manage stress:-

Chronic stress can weaken the immune system and affect the production of white blood cell’s.

Finding and applying the best way to manage stress just like meditation, deep breathing, yoga and Exercise can increase the production of white blood cell’s.

5. Quite smoking:-

Smoking can damage the immune system and decrease the number of white blood cell’s.

Quitting smoking can help in overall health, improving the immune system and increasing white blood cell’s.

6. Reduce alcohol:-

Heavy alcohol consumption can suppress the immune system and can decrease the production of white blood cell’s.

Reduction of heavy alcohol consumption can lead to better health and an increase in white blood cell’s.


》Our Opinion:-

Follow the above general tips and keep in mind the above facts.

To increase White blood cells count , we must first enhance the immune system, then it will lead to an increase in the White blood cells count within the body.

In some cases, there may be medical treatment needed to increase the white blood cell’s count.

Medication like corticosteroids or growth factors, or treatment for an underlying medical condition that may affect the white blood cell’s production

Consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best course of treatment for low white blood cell’s count.

It is very important to maintain a healthy diet that includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods to support overall health and immune function.

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