How to Increase your weight | 8 Natural Strategies, Protein Powders, What to Avoid.

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How to Increase your weight | 8 Natural Strategies…

Hello dear friends,

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Welcome to the world’s unique and useful blog website that is ForajCreations.

The topic that we’re going to discuss is a very informative and interesting topic that can help you a lot to increase your weight naturally and we’re discussing different strategies also to increase weight.

How to Increase your weight


People who try to gain weight increase their intake of food and other nutrients so that they can easily increase their weight.

They eat foods rich in protein, carbohydrates, glucose and healthy fats.

They eat dairy products, fish, bananas, chicken, avocado, potatoes, whole grains and eggs etc.

Trying to increase weight too quickly may put you in severe conditions that may affect your whole body.

Doctors may times recommend to thin people increase weight.

According to CDCP (Center for disease and control protection) in the United States of America 1.6 % of people aged 20 are underweight.


》What is the meaning of underweight?

Definition:- An underweight person is a person which has a BMI (BODY MASS INDEX) less than 18.5.

—> BODY MASS INDEX is showing the ratio of the Weight to the square of height in meters.

How to Increase your weight


—-> Formula for BMI is given below.


So, here people who try to increase their weight must know about BMI.

The most sustainable tip to increase Weight is to do it slowly and keep trying for a long time.

Give time to your body to increase your weight gradually.

Immediately increasing weight can make your body non-manageable.

People who need to increase weight ask a doctor first because a sudden increase in weight may underlying health conditions that may require treatment.


》Natural Strategies to increase your weight:-

Dear all weight gaining is one of the dreams of healthy but thin people they tried too many times to increase their weight but they fail due to a lack of knowledge and inadequate techniques they applied.

For this, Problems we are giving you the best technique and tips to increase weight.

Let’s begin!

How to increase weight | Natural Strategies


No. 1:- Do not drink water just before meals.

Many times we heard from weight loss experts that we must have 200 ml of water 45 minutes before eating a meal.

This technique is not for weight gainers but is for those who want their weight.

Drinking water 45 minutes before a meal, our digestive system will activate and it becomes ready to digest food.

How to Increase your weight

So it is requested you, don’t drink water before a meal.


No. 2:- Must use bigger plates. 

This technique is not used to weight gain methods but if you think about it then it works for us to increase your weight.

This technique works if you adopt it as your habit after a long time you can see the difference.

How to Increase your weight

Actually, by using bigger plates your subconscious mind gets messages that they have to eat more than before.

By taking more meals eventually your weight will increase.


No. 3:- Eat more often.

Weight gaining is not how much you eat with your meal, but the weight gain process includes you must have to eat something more often.

You must have to increase your eating habits per day.

You must have to eat more often whatever you like to eat and Try different things to eat at some of your times.

How to Increase your weight

By adopting this technique you will surely increase your weight after some time.


No. 4:- Stress less.

It is a very effective way to save energy and make your mind relaxed.

Stress actually can decrease your weight very quickly so, so it is important to consider it and make your mind relaxed.

Due to overthinking problem, our brain applies extra energy to think about something and then your weight will decrease but if you want to increase your weight then you must have to control your thoughts and stop overthinking.

How to Increase your weight

Try to do meditation and it will give you a relaxed and peaceful life.

To understand how you can reduce your overthinking effectively you can CLICK HERE.

To understand how to meditate you can check HERE.


No. 5:- Save your energy.

If you are doing exercise because you want to strengthen your body’s muscles then for weight gainers it is not necessary to do that.

Due to hard exercises, our body’s weight can be managed but if you want to increase your weight then you must have to do exercises regularly Follow light exercises.

You all must have to control your whole day’s body movements and have to save your energy to spend on body movements.

Try to do your all task with minimum body movements and make sure that your body gets a rest as you have to focus on weight gain.


No. 6:- Avoid smoking and alcohol.

This is the solution for overall body problems whatever your problems are but if you follow this technique you should get a result.

Avoiding smoking and alcohol can easily help you to increase your weight.

Quitting smoking can lead to an increase in your weight.

How to Increase your weight

No. 7:- Breakfast is important.

Breakfast is very important for the overall body and mind also.

Breakfast can increase your weight gradually and it is the best technique to increase your weight.

We all have to take Breakfast as much as we can they can easily increase your weight and are helpful in your body.

How to Increase your weight

We all have to follow a plan of eating like this

:- Eat more – that is Breakfast.

:- Eat lesser than breakfast – that is Lunch.

:- Your full hunger does not have to be filled – that is Dinner.

These plans give you the best results over a long period.


No. 8:- Eat protein and fat sources.

This is the final and very effective method to increase your weight gradually.

These tips will help you most to increase your weight.

We all must have to increase our protein intake and fat source.

How to Increase your weight

For building muscle and increasing our weight it is very necessary to increase our protein intake.

If you have different foods on your plates then you must eat higher denser foods and eat last low-fat food like vegetables.


》Best Protein Powders without any side effects:-

Before we go further, we recommend you to use protein powders only if you are tried all the above things and still are not gaining results after 6 months to 1 year.

Here we do not recommend more protein powders but we recommend lesser but very effective and without any side effects, so you can easily choose one of them.



No.1:- Endura Mass gainer.

This is one of the most popular options to increase your weight.

This is available in the most delicious chocolaty flavours and supplements opt for both teenagers and children also.

The self-life of this supplement is 18 months.

The expected price of this supplement on Amazon is about 650 rupees.


No. 2:- Muscle blaze.

Muscle blaze has been a popular name in India in the fitness market.

This supplement consists of whey protein concentrated, skimmed milk powder and whey protein isolate.

This supplement will not make your stomach upset.

Another good option for weight gainers.


No.3:- Nutrimuscle massive weight gainer.

This supplement is made from whey protein concentrate, cocoa powder and other nutrients that are needed to increase your weight.

This gainer comes with a chocolaty flavour.

This is another good option if you dont want to buy above supplement.

Check HERE.


》Food’s to increase your weight:-

We can easily increase weight by consuming the right food and at the proper time.

For this were giving you some of best Foods list that can help you a lot to increase your weight at home without any side effects.

Check HERE.

》Things to avoid :-

To gain weight all we must have is to keep patience.

Patience and consistency will help you a lot and eventually you will get whatever you want in life.

But some of time we are become too curious and want to apply all the things in our body to immediately increase weight.

Try to avoid immediately increasing weights technique that will put you in dangerous situations.

– Do not take more protein and fat food.

– Stay away from wrong assumptions.

– Don’t worry if you are not getting enough weight try to be consistent.

– Don’t follow an unknown diet plan.

– All supplement can’t work on you.


》How much it will take time to increase my weight?

By consuming additional 500 calories a day can increase your weight to 7 kg over six months

If you are more aggressive to consume calories and if you eat 1000 calories per day then you can increase weight nearly 12 kg over six mothers.

To Check best super food’s to increase y


》Closure :- 

Weight gaining is the slow process and we all have to keep patience with weight gain

If you trying many things and still your weights is not increased then don’t worry about it be consistent with your best practices to weight gain.

It is important to talk with doctor when you are look for increasing your weight and one best dietitians can help you a lot in this things.

We, hope that you are getting so many benefits from our blog.

Be healthy!

Be happy!

Thank you…

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Hi, I'm Raj, A passionate health, Wellness Promoter, and Health Professional with Extensive Experience In Health and Wellness. I Share Trusted, Researched Tips on Physical Health, Nutrition, And Overall Well-being. Join me for Practical Advice To Help You Live A Healthier, Happier Life. Let's Make Wellness A Priority Together!

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