Know your Digestive system in 2023 | How it works, Best way to improve.

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Know Your Digestive system|How it works…


Dear friends Welcome to world’s simple,unique and useful blog website.

Today, we covered about how we can easily make our digestive system strong.

Then let’s get started how to important our digestive system naturally at home.

Dear friends, Fortunately, one secret to a healthy and happy life is a strong digestive system.

Science says that the first step of any disease is our digestive system.

From digestion, many types of disease take place, and it will affect our whole body very soon.

To convert maximum food into different nutrients, you must keep your digestive system strong and healthy.

There are several diseases that happen in the digestive system due to which our digestive system can’t work properly and we are getting a number of diseases through it.

Know Your Digestive system | How it works, Function, Parts, Ways to improve it , different conditions.


It is crucial part’s of our body hence it’s needed some care otherwise it will leads to many illness.

~ Just because of digestive system we can say :

“What we eat inward is what we feel outside.” And

“Make your interior well performing to perform well in exterior”.

Let’s know your digestive system…

》What does your digestive system do? | Know your digestive system.

The digestive system is the arrangement of our body’s different organs that convert your food into important nutrients and energy to survive.

It is our responsibility to take a very good care of digestive system.

Whatever we eat, it is converted into carbohydrates, glucose, iron,important nutrients, starch, vitamins and in last energy by passing foods to our different digestive organs mechanisms.


》Important of digestion system|Know your Digestive system.

Dear friends, to stay happy and healthy, it is very important to consider your digestive system that it is strong enough to convert different foods into useful nutrients.

Arrangements of different organs help us to digest foods and convert them into different nutrients.

We have to extract and absorb many nutrients from food’s that is carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats, minerals and water.

Our body uses those nutrients and vitamins to do important functions, such as creating energy, to fight against disease, to grow multiple cells, to growth of our whole body.

You can see below how breakdown can generate different types of nutrients and vitamins.

– Protein break into amino acids.

– Fats break into glycerol and fatty acids.

– Carbohydrates break into sugar and glucose.

》How digestive system works | Know your Digestive system.

To understand how it works you have to read this simple and trustworthy blog to the end.

Dear friends, let’s understand how our digestive system works and it’s organs that are parts of it.

As we say, one by one arrangement of different organs are very necessary to digest your foods and fortunately we have same arrangement.

List of organs that take a part in digestive system are given below.

1- Mouth.

2- Esophagus.

3- Stomach.

4- Small intestine.

5- Pancreas.

6- Liver.

7- Gallblader.

8- Large intestine.

9- Recrum.

10- Anus.

Let’s take a survey of how each organ works and how it converts our foods into useful nutrients and vitamins.


▪︎ 1 – Mouth.

Dear friends, The first step of the digestive system is starts from our mouth.Salivary glands produces a saliva that will work as moisture for food.

Due to saliva food’s are getting moisture and easily can be moved to stomach.Saliva also start a digestion from mouth, saliva breakdown starches from a food.


• 2 – Esophagus.

The second part of digestive system is ‘Esophagus’.Esophagus work as a pipelines to flow foods to the stomach.

The esophagus also contains a epiglottis that prevents food’s to get enter into our windpipe

At the bottom of the esophagus, there is a small ring like muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter, which will work as a NON-RETURN VALVE

It will prevent food’s to get back enter into esophagus , undesirable open and close of it will give you some acid reflux or acidity pain.


• 3 – Stomach.

Stomach  is the small reactors of our inbuilt chemical industries.

Stomach is the small and hollow organ of our body that will act as holding tank for the foods.

Here, the gland of the stomach releases digestive juice, which contains stomach acid and enzymes to breakdown food’s into nutrients.

Digestive juices are made of hydrochloric acid, it will be used for the breakdown of foods and to kill bacteria.

After consumption of the food’s special content, then it is allowed to proceed.


• 4 – Pancreas.

Our pancreas make a juice that breaks down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

The pancreas move digestive juice to the small intestine through a pipe called a duct.


• 5 – Liver.

The liver makes a juice called bile that breaks down the fats and vitamins. Bile juice transferred the food’s juice into the small intestine.

Know Your Digestive system | How it works, Function, Parts, Ways to improve it , different conditions.

• 6 – Small intestine.

Small intestine produces an acid that mix with pancreatic juice and bile juice to break down carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and protein.

Small also absorb the water with some of nutrients.

Length of small intestine :- 22 feet.


• 7 Gallbladder

It contains and stores digestive juice to allow it through the small intestine to breakdown foods’ essential components.


• 8 – Large intestine

The large intestine absorbs most of the water from a food, and the large intestine contains a special type of bacteria that will breakdown remaining nutrients and vitamin K.

Large intestine length  :- 6 feet

The large intestine is set up as an S-shaped organs that will empties it into rectum for twice a day.


• 9 – Rectum.

The rectum is the final straight portion of the large intestine that will hold a stool (water removed waste) from the large intestine until it is ready for the discharge.

The adult rectum is 12 cm long.

When gas or stools enter the rectum, the brain gives the message to the body to discharge the waste through the long canal called anus.


• 10 – Anus.

Anus is the 2 inch long canal.

Anus is surrounded by two sphincters that will give information about waste, whether it liquid or solid .

Anus is made by pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor muscles make a angle with the rectum and anus so it can be prevented from undesirable discharge of waste.


》How can i keep my digestive system healthy| Know your Digestive system

Dear, friends after knowing about digestive system and it’s part now we totally understand why we have to make our digestive system strong.

Here we give you some of best tips to make your digestive system strong.

To know How to improve digestion system and tips and tricks to improve your digestive system click HERE.

To know about list of food that can increase your digestive system click HERE.


》Different conditions may affect our digestive system| Know your digestive system.

Many times, due to food poisoning and other conditions, our digestive systems fail to work effectively.

Here, we describe some of conditions that may affect our digestive system.

Let’s Understand different conditions that may

affect digestive system.


• 1 – Diarrhea :-  

The common cause of Diarrhea is the uncommon bacteria and sometimes food poisoning is the reason of the Diarrhea.

Diarrhea occurs when you have loose or watery poop.


• 2 – Constipation :- 

Constipation is when you go to the bathroom less than you normally do.

When you are constipated, your poop becomes harder than normal and you may have some problems getting it to pass.


• 3 – Acidity :-

It happens when digestive juices reflux into your esophagus.

Acidity can cause an uncomfortable burning that moves toward the chest and neck.


• 4 – Piles :- 

It is also called hemorrhoids, it is one type of enlarged, swollen in the lower part of your anus.

It is one type of disease that happens when you eat more things like gravy foods , spice food and hot spice foods.

Know Your Digestive system | How it works, Function, Parts, Ways to improve it , different conditions.

• 5 – stomach flu :- 

It happens in the upper part of the small intestine because of viruses.

It lasts for about one week and every year millions of people suffer from stomach flu.


• 6 – Alcer :- 

It is the sore that develops on the surface of the esophagus, stomach and small intestine.

It will be caused by special types of bacteria called Helicobacter pyroli (H pyroli) and long-term use of ibuprofen drugs .


• 7 – Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) :- 

In conditions of IBS, your colon muscles contract more or less often.

People with IBS often experience gas and abdominal pain.


• 8 –  lactose intolerance  :- 

In this situation, our digestive system can’t digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy products.

So friends, this is all about the digestive system.

We hope that you are getting so many benefits from our blog.

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Hi, I'm Raj, A passionate health, Wellness Promoter, and Health Professional with Extensive Experience In Health and Wellness. I Share Trusted, Researched Tips on Physical Health, Nutrition, And Overall Well-being. Join me for Practical Advice To Help You Live A Healthier, Happier Life. Let's Make Wellness A Priority Together!

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