7 Best Warm Up Exercises Before Workout to Prevent Injury

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I Think You’ll Agree with Me,

When I say,

Warm up exercises Before workout is As needed as Washing your hands Before you Eat.


In This post, you will learn

The best practical and effective warm up exercises to do before your workout will help to prevent injuries and make your workout more effective.

So lets get started,

Here is the,

Full Body Warm-Up Exercises Before workout

  1. Jumping Jacks
  2. Arm Circles
  3. Inchworms
  4. Skipping Rope
  5. Running At Place
  6. Hip Rounding
  7. Side Jack

Let’s go through each warm-up exercise and learn how to do them at home to enjoy their benefits.

1. Jumping Jacks


This is One of the Best and enjoyable Warm up exercise that you can do before your Exercise Routine.

As we Already know,

Jumping jacks are the most popular warm-up exercises that every P.T.(Physical Training) teacher teaches his students.

Jumping jacks are DynamicWarm up exercises Before Workout.

To Do Jumping Jacks,

  • Start By Standing Straight with Together your legs and side your arms.
  • Now, Jump As your leg spread near about shoulders width Apart and Raise your hands over Your head.
  • Return Back to original Position.
  • Keep Your jumps continue till certain Amount of Warmup.

2. Arm Circles

Arm Circles is a type of dynamic stretching exercise that involves moving your arms To warm up shoulders and improves flexibility.

Arm Circles are easy to do exercise at anywhere and Any time.

Below Steps Help You to Do This Exercise,

  1. Start by standing Position with Extending your arms to the shoulders height and parallel to floor.
  2. Now Rotate your arms in forward direction and make small circles.
  3. Perform 10-15 Circles, With focusing on smooth and Relaxed movements.
  4. Gradually increase the Size of the Circles and perform More 15 Circles.
  5. After this Reverse The direction Of your circle.
  6. During the Whole Exercise make your breath smooth By Inhaling through the nose and Exhaling through the Mouth.

3. InchWorms

Inchworms Are type of Another dynamic Exercise that involves full body warm up exercise.

The Movement In inchworms involves engaging your core, shoulders and Hamstrings which make it perfect warm exercises before workout.

To do This Exercise,

  1. Start By standing Position with Your Hip apart and arm at Your sides.
  2. Now, Start to Bend forward To reaching your hands towards floor. This position is look like you hing your Hamstrings. Here You have to Note that for maximum benefits you have to suare that your legs stay Straight during this warmup exercises
  3. Now, by placing your hands on floor you have to walk with your hands Till your plank position, your body looks like one Straight line.
  4. Just Hold this Position for 2-3 seconds.
  5. Now back walk by your hands towards your feet.
  6. Rise back To starting position by straightening.

4. Skipping Ropes

Skipping rope is a highly effective and cardiovascular Type of exercise that improves Flexibility, Stamina and Agility.

This can be done at any place and may be little hard to do for beginners.

Here is the step to follow;

  1. Starting By holding the Rope Handle in both hands with feet together.
  2. Keep your elbow close to the body and use your wrist to Move(Swing rope).
  3. Jump little just to to clear the rope and Land softly.
  4. Maintain Slow and smooth rythm and breath naturally.

5. Running At Place

Running at place is kind of exercise that help to easily increase your heart rate and warm up your muscles before workout.

Everyone May know how to run at Place but Proper Posture may make sense.

  1. Start by Feet hip width apart and at Side your arms.
  2. Now, Lift up your one knees at a time.
  3. Put it down and Lift another Knees.
  4. Move your arms as you pump as you run to increase intensity.
  5. Slowly Increase the speed and lift your knees At Your higher limit.

6. Hip Rounding

Hip rounding is Types of dynamic stretching exercise thta target your hip flexor, glutes and lower back.

Hip rounding helps to increase flexibility and mobility.

How To Do Hip rounding:

  1. Start by standing Position, keep 1.5 feet distance between your feet.
  2. Put your arms on your side of the waist.
  3. Start to Circle your hip and slowly increase the round of circles.
  4. Change the direction of the circle.
  5. Ensure the smooth and Effective hip circle.
Women doing Hip circles.

7. Side Jack

Side jack is the another variation of the jumping jacks.

It involves Side (lateral) movement, improves coordination and Activating different muscles group.

To do side jacks follow below given steps:

  1. Start by feet together and arms at your side.
  2. While Jump to the side, raise your hands above the shoulder height simultaneously.
  3. Now jump back to starting position and lower your arms.
  4. Keep your feet together and maintain Comfortable breathing.

So, this is the List of warm-up exercises before you High-intensity exercise.

Now Let’s Know,

Common Benefits Of Warm-Up Before Exercise

Warm Up are crucial to prepare your body and mind for physical activity.

Here are the key Benefits That can motivate You to Follow daily routine of warm up before exercise.

1. Increase Blood Flow

Warm up exercises before workout can increase your heart rate that will increase blood circulation that leads to Dilating in blood vessel.

So it delivers more oxygen and nutrients into Every muscle of Body, that further preventing muscle strain and muscle cramps.

2. Increase Performance

Warm up prior to exercise increase the flexibility and elasticity of muscle.

This helps in increasing performance during Exercise.

3. Reduce risk of injury

Warm muscle give you a full range of motion and can help to reduce the risk of Muscle injury or any joint injury.

4. Increase Mental alertness

Stretching before high intensity exercise can help to increase mental alertness that will help to increase muscle coordination and responsible for Better performance.


During wrapping up,

I have to say that,

Don’t underestimate the power of a good warm-up—your body will thank you!

Warming up is an essential to any exercise routine.

It prepares your body and mind for physical activity, reduces the risk of injury, and enhances overall performance.

Ready to enhance your workouts and reduce your risk of injury?

Start incorporating a proper warm-up routine today!

Let me know, which exercise You tried and If you feel any benefits please dont remember to mention in comments section.

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Hi, I'm Raj, A passionate health, Wellness Promoter, and Health Professional with Extensive Experience In Health and Wellness. I Share Trusted, Researched Tips on Physical Health, Nutrition, And Overall Well-being. Join me for Practical Advice To Help You Live A Healthier, Happier Life. Let's Make Wellness A Priority Together!

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