How to Use Positive Affirmation | 10 Practical Ways to Make Your Affirmation More Effective

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Best ways to Affirm good that will change your life positively…

Hello dear friendHow to ames you to the very useful and informative blog website that only creates for your health and Personal development.

Today’s topic of discussion revolves around the concept of utilizing positive affirmation to achieve success in life.

We will delve into how the power of positive self-talk and affirmative language can help to reshape our mindset and guide us toward achieving our goals and aspirations.

Let’s Get Started…

Have you been putting forward your utmost efforts in your work, yet still finding that you are falling short of achieving your desired outcome?

I think you are forgetting something that works and I have experienced it also.

We’re talking about positive self-talk or positive affirmation.
So, Today’s topic is all about how to affirm good to achieve anything in life.

Let’s know about powerful magical ways to increase your attraction towards your particular goals.

10 ways to make your Affirmation more effective
10 ways to make your Affirmation more effective

》Interesting Introduction:-

If You Ever,
Started A Diet & can’t manage continuously it due to uncertainty?

Are you decided to write great Indian novels and gave up just after the 2-3 pages?

Simply tried to break bad Habit but the Habits shows their power and you become fail to break them?
Then you will know how it is hard to changes can be.

Wait wait… Don’t worry if these types of problems already you’ve faced, Here a good affirmations can be very beneficial to you but how to let’s see.

The use of affirmation is not a new aged fluffy technique. The use of affirmations can be traced to ancient times and its effectiveness can be backed by modern Neuroscience.

A study was founded in 1970 by Tow Neuroscientist at the University of Santa Cruz, john grinder and Richard Bandler.

After studying the behaviour of the most exceptional and most intelligent psychotherapists, they theorized that success can be achieved by increasing positive behaviour and reducing negative thoughts and behaviour.

What is Affirmation and how they works | Benefits of Affirmation.

》What is Affirmation | Define Affirmation:-

Affirmation is a set of different positive thoughts that can drive positivity and positive changes in us”.
Affirmation is easy to do, as you only have to talk-self with positive thoughts and feelings.

Many more people are trying affirmations but they don’t get satisfactory results even after many months.

After practising affirmation many times, people find themselves dissatisfied with the result of affirmation.
This is because they don’t repeat the same sentence and accurate sentences.

Don’t worry, about how we can repeat thoughts to accomplish it, which we explain below.

》How does Affirmation works:-

“Mind is everything
What we think, we become”. ~ Buddha

The great affirmations, works by influencing the subconscious mind.
Which can affect thoughts, and regulate emotions and behaviour.

By intentionally repeating positive thoughts to oneself, one can begin to shift their focus, mindset and beliefs toward a more constructive and empowering outlook.

The subconscious mind is highly receptive to suggestions & repeating and over time, the positive affirmations can become internalised as new and self-talk.

10 ways to make your Affirmation more effective
10 ways to make your Affirmation more effective

This ultimately helps to combat negative thoughts, bad habits and self-limiting beliefs that promote a more optimistic and proactive mindset.

An affirmations can help you to be more confident, increase your self-esteem, stay positive and help in achieving your goals.
Affirmation is a powerful tool for personal growth and development.

Overall, Affirmation is the process that can be used to think broadly and towards achieving a goal that will help you to remove from fix mindset.

》How to Use Positive Affirmation | 10 practical ways to make your Affirmation more effective:-

Here is some step that you can follow to use affirmation very effectively:

▪︎ Step No.1 – Make a list of Negative Thoughts:-

Firstly, You have to make a list of negative thoughts that have often come to your mind and begin to destroy everything.

As positive thoughts are more powerful and have the potential to convert your life same thing applies to negative thoughts because the subconscious mind does not know positive or negative thoughts, it only follows your thoughts.

Start today, By making a list of negative thoughts that you want to dismiss using positive affirmation.

You have to write those thoughts that are arriving frequently and have much more impact on your precious life.

For example:-
– Im not worthy.
– I’m ugly.
– I think I don’t contribute to the world around me.
– I’m not happy with my appearance.

10 ways to make your Affirmation more effective
10 ways to make your Affirmation more effective

▪︎ Step No.2 – Prioritize the list:-

Now it’s time to make priorities based on which thoughts have a more negative impact on your life and causes you to face more dissatisfaction.

You have to use your list to decide which thoughts you want to get rid of the most.

After writing it down you have to see this list of negative thoughts after 2 weeks, analyze those thoughts which are still not converted to positive thoughts and set them as a priority.

Note:- It is better to start with only one or two thoughts to convert from negative to positive.

▪︎ Step No.3 – Turn Negative into positive:-

After making priorities you may find negative self-talk often, but you have to change your negative thoughts into positive thoughts.


Negative 1:- I can’t ride a bike ever.
Positive 1:- Whatever happens to me I will ride a bike very easily and safely.

Negative 2:- I’m Not smart to design a program.
Positive 2:- I know the design of the program from the ground up and this makes me feel capable and intelligent.

Negative 3:- I am not an interesting guy.
Posting 3:- I’m a loving, caring person who deserves to be loved.

Negative 4:- I’m not good-looking.
Positive 4:- I know everyone is unique and look is not important but behaviour is very important.

Create your example based on your negative thoughts

Note:- You can use these types of positive that can convert your negative thoughts to positive thoughts.

▪︎ Step No.4 – Create your affirmations:-

Now, It is better to create your affirmations list based on your negative thoughts and whatever goals you have to complete within a specific time.

As you write negative thoughts and by using them we have to make a positive affirmations.

We called it ‘counterarguments’ of negative thoughts. It should also use feelings to support tour counterarguments to become true.

☆ Examples:-

1. • Negative thoughts:- I feel like an unintelligent student.
▪︎ Counter arguments:- I’m an intelligent and capable student who is on my way to graduation.

2. • Negative thoughts:- I’m depressed about my life.
▪︎ Counter arguments:- Im loving, and caring and my sense of humour is good and im deserves to be happy.

▪︎ Step No.5 – Repeat Daily:-

To get the most benefit from affirmation, you’ll want to start regular practice and set it as your habit.

Tips:- Start with 3 to 5 minutes at least twice a day. You have to try in the morning when you wake up and at night when you get into bed.

As you start your affirmation practice you will feel uncomfortable but as you do it regularly you will feel confident about it.

Your affirmation will slowly force your brain to confront the disconnect between what you see yourself and what you say yourself.
Continue this process as long as you need to counteract your negative thoughts.

▪︎ Step No. 6 – Keep it Real:-

Affirmations are most effective when they focus on particular traits and attainable modifications you desired to make to those traits.

Change within you is always possible but in some cases, if you don’t accept your affirmation as true then it will have little effect on your life.

So, keep it realistic and simple as you can.


▪︎ Step No. 7 – Connect your feelings:-

An affirmation can be made very effective when they are talking with feelings.

Connect your feelings with your affirmation just like if you affirm such as ‘ I will buy a bike on 31 December’ Then visualize like you will ride a bike on 31 December and you are so happy to buy a new bike.

The connection of feelings can be a great tool to make your Affirmation more effective.

10 ways to make your Affirmation more effective
10 ways to make your Affirmation more effective

Feelings can make a great impact on the subconscious mind and you know that the subconscious mind is the main aspect of this whole chapter.

Whatever you want in your life connect your feelings with those sentences.

▪︎ Step no.08:- Affirm when you meditate:-

Meditation is the process of calming your brain, relaxing your mind and focusing on something at only specific things.

By quitting the conscious mind we can easily access the subconscious mind.

People who meditate appear to be more aware of their subconscious mind.
Science has found evidence that supports that “people with meditation are more aware of their subconscious brain activity”.

If you use your affirmations at the time of meditation then it will be easy to fit it into your subconscious mind and we will get results soon.

▪︎ Step No. 09. Use a piece of paper:-

I specifically recommend this one because I use it for 1 year and found that it works great.

By using a piece of paper you can achieve anything you want because this will activate the full potential of your subconscious mind.

You will need to write what you want to achieve in life, just like a car, a bike, a long vacation, enjoying travelling etc…

Write your affirmations on the piece of paper and place it as you see it maximum in a day.

You will attract those things that you wrote on a piece of paper and affix them on the wall in front of you.

Your Subconscious mind will be activated always whenever you see those thoughts and wishes to accomplish them.

▪︎ Step No. 10. Use Visualization:-

Visualization is the technique of creating a mental image of what you want in your life or a goal that you want to complete within time.

– You have to visualize, as your desired wish is just a few steps away from coming true.
– You have to use visualization power every day, especially at the time of bed and in the morning.

By visualizing a goal or outcome, the subconscious mind can be programmed to work towards achieving it.

Don’t worry if you feel still your affirmation, not works because for someone it takes 2-3 months and for someone, it takes 6 months to a year to show some effect.

Note:- Sometimes you just have to set your mentality as “Fake it, till you make it”.

》In this case it might not work:-

An affirmation can be a great tool for growth and personal development in life.
But there is some strong reason that may stop you to make your Affirmations right.

Below is the same reason that you keep in mind before starting your journey with Affirmations.

1. A lack of beliefs:-

If you don’t believe in your affirmations then it
might not become right for you.

Keep in mind that you must have a strong belief to get maximum benefits from it.
As strong as your beliefs are, your chances of getting earlier benefits are more.

Your Subconscious mind may not attract positive changes and can increase negative thoughts.

2. A lack of action:-

Affirmation is not alone enough to change your life you must take action that supports your affirmation to bring changes in your life and for the growth of your life.

3. Inappropriate affirmations:-

As we talk above, keep your affirmations clean and clear to get maximum benefits.
Bound your affirmations with a specific time and date if you want changes or something else.

4. Negative self-talk:-

If you are facing more negative self-talk and more and more negative thoughts are impacting your life negatively then you must have to find the root cause of the negative thoughts and impact.

Otherwise, an affirmations can work as you want in your life.

5. Mental health concerns:-

If you face any mental health concerns just as depression, anxiety and any other mental illness then affirmation is not enough to address your issues and what you want.

In this case, you need to follow some important steps regarding improving the health of the mind.

Below are steps to make your mental health better.

1. Mindfulness.
2. Meditation.
3. Yoga.
4. exercise.
5. Appropriate diet.
6. Positive self-talk.
7. Reading ForajCreations blog(of course).

》Benefits of Affirmation:-

Affirmation has several benefits for personal growth and development.
Here are the benefits that you can get after your affirmation works properly.

1. Increase Self-confidence.
2. Increase self-esteem.
3. Increase self-awareness.
4. Reduce limiting thoughts.
5. Increase happiness.
6. Increase motivation.
7. Improve relationships.
8. Can make you a more attractive personality.
9. Can reduce stress and anxiety.
10. Can give you whatever you want.


☆ Bonus:- 

You can use a simple app that is i personally used and realized benefits from it.

App Name:- I am.




Affirmations is a form of self-talk that involves repeating positive statements about oneself or one’s situation, with aim of influencing the subconscious mind to adopt more constructive thinking patterns and to achieve anything in life.

Overall, Affirmations is the process of thinking posting and repeatedly.
An affirmation can make your behaviour from negative to positive behaviour and actions.

The key to using affirmation is being consistent and persistent in your daily practice of affirmation.

By consistently reinforcing positive beliefs and thoughts you can begin to shift your mindset and behaviour towards empowered life.

One of the key aspects of using affirmations is to ensure that you are using statements in the present tense and repeating perfect sentences with time bound.

For example, don’t say I will be successful instead say it like I am successful and I will complete this book within 3 days.

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Hi, I'm Raj, A passionate health, Wellness Promoter, and Health Professional with Extensive Experience In Health and Wellness. I Share Trusted, Researched Tips on Physical Health, Nutrition, And Overall Well-being. Join me for Practical Advice To Help You Live A Healthier, Happier Life. Let's Make Wellness A Priority Together!

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