Simple Cause Of Skin Discoloration 2023 : Overview, Types, Symptoms & Diagnosis.

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What are skin Discoloration & All You Need To Know..

Did you ever notice Patches, spots or areas that are different from any other skin tone?

If So, then you may have encountered a common skin tone problem called “Discoloration of skin“.
These common concerns occur in individuals with  Skin types, all ages, and all genders and sometimes cause variations in pigmentation and some cases, it may appear as indicative of other health concerns.

So, here We will go through the insightful articles on the Discoloration of skin, its causes, symptoms and types.

Exploring skin Discoloration & its causes…

》What is Skin Discoloration | General Overview

Skin Discoloration refers by it is a condition characterised by changes in colour, natural skin tone and pigmentation of the skin”.

The root cause of Skin Discoloration is the imbalance of pigment called ‘Melanin’ using production, distribution or concentration.
Melanin is a pigment that is responsible for our skin, hair and eye colour”.

This imbalance of melanin can produce hyperpigmentation, as higher production of melanin caused darker patches or lower production of melanin causes lighter areas on the skin.
Numerous types of skin Discoloration occur due to melanin production and distribution.

Sometimes skin Discoloration is the result of different factors such as sun spots or sun lentigines, hormonal fluctuations, genetic factors and skin injuries.

Understanding the underlying causes and types of skin Discoloration can give us insightful help to determine the best and optimal treatment schedule.

We will see how Discoloration can affect your skin tone through various skin concerns.
In the next parts of this series, We will discuss preventive measures, causes, treatment options and self-care tips that can be extremely helpful in this skin Discoloration concerns.

》Understanding The Causes of Skin Discoloration | Culprits Behind Discoloration

Our skin is just like a remarkable ‘canvas’ Of colours, sometimes Skin makes us surprised with unexpected patches of Discoloration.
From dark spots to lighter areas, Discoloration stems variety of factors.

Let’s see some Causes of skin Discoloration which include the below-mentioned concerns.

☆ Hyperpigmentation

This is one of the root causes of skin Discoloration.
Hyperpigmentation occurs when there is higher production of a pigment called ‘melanin,’ The pigment responsible for our skin, eye and hair colour.

Overproduction of melanin is caused by various factors, including:

All about skin discoloration
All about skin discoloration

1. Sun Damage:

Long exposure to the sun’s Ultraviolet Rays can stimulate the production of Melanin, which causes sunspots, Freckles and overall skin complexion.

2. Hormonal fluctuations:

Hormonal fluctuations or changes in the hormonal level of the body particularly, during pregnancy, puberty or menstrual cycles can rise the production of Melanin causing dark patches on the skin.

3. Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH):

Skin injuries, acne or inflammatory conditions can cause localized inflammation. As skim heals an overproduction of melanin occurs which leaves behind the patches.

☆ Hypopigmentation

“It is the decrease of the melanin pigment due to which skin colour becomes lighter or white patches on the skin”.
There are various causes which have been encountered for Less production of melanin or a decrease in melanin levels.

☆ Several factors can contribute to hypopigmentation, including:

1. Genetics Condition

There are multiple genetic disorders which can disrupt the production and distribution of melanin such as albinism, vitiligo, Piebaldism etc…

2. Fungal infections

Certain fungal infections can affect the cell called melanocytes, it is the cell responsible for producing melanin, leading to localised depigmentation in the affected areas.

3. Sun damage or photoaging:

Long-term exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays can contribute to severe damage to the skin tissue, causing a range of issues including skin Discoloration.
Sun rays can contribute to higher the production of Melanin, which causes the formation of sun spots, age spots and overall skin complexion.

4. Hormonal changes:

Hormonal fluctuations during various phases of life can contribute to the changes in the production of Melanin and can cause different conditions of skin concerns occurs such as melasma or chloasma where dark patches appear mainly on the face.

5. Genetic Factors:

Inherited conditions play a significant role in skin Discoloration.
For instance, vitiligo an autoimmune condition, destroys the melanocytes causes an increase in the production of melanin production and results in depigmented patches.
Another genetic disorder called albinism can cause a reduction in the melanin causing extremely light or white patches.

6. Certain medical conditions:

Some underlying medical conditions can contribute to the skin’s Discoloration.
Like, Liver disease or jaundice can cause yellowish Discoloration and Addison’s disease can cause hyperpigmentation.

》Types of Skin Discoloration | Unveiling The mosaic of the skin Discoloration

Well, our skin is a variety of colours, which is unique to individuals, while some certain patches and spots can disrupt the skin’s natural colour.
Let’s embark go on a journey through skin pigmentation, exploring some common types such as Vitiligo, Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation, birthmarks, age spots and more.

Let’s Get started…

☆ Causes of skin Discoloration:-

– Hormonal changes
– Sun Exposure
– Skin infections
– Allergic Reaction
– Medications
– Vitiligo
– Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
– Age spots
– Melasma
– Acne scarring
– Nutrients deficiencies
– Autoimmune disorder
– Environmental factors
– Chemical exposure
– Genetic factors
– Chronic disease

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All about skin discoloration

Let’s explore them one by one…

– Hormonal Changes:-

Hormonal changes can significantly impact the pigmentation of our skin.
Different types of conditions like Menopause, hormonal fluctuations, pregnancy and puberty can cause an increase in melanin production, resulting in hyperpigmentation.

This can cause to appear your skin as darker patches or whole dark.

– Sun Exposure:-

Excessive exposure to the sun’s Harmful Ultraviolet radiation can impact the pigmentation of the skin.
Prolonged exposure to the sun can effectively contribute to melanin production and this will result in tanning or the formation of sunspots.

Prolonged sun exposure without adequate skin protection can increase the chances of getting long-term skin Discoloration.

– Skin infections:-

Certain types of skin infections can lead to Discoloration of affected areas of the skin, such as fungal infection and eczema.

These infections disrupt the normal functioning of the skin and result in Discoloration and uneven skin tone.

– Allergic Reaction:-

Allergic reactions to some types of cosmetics, soaps, fabrics and skin care products can cause discoloured skin tone.
This Reaction can cause inflammation or irritation leading to changes in the colour of the skin.

– Medications

Certain types of medication such as antibiotics, antipsychotics, and Chemotherapy drugs can cause skin discolouration as a side effect.

It is recommended to seek help from consultants if you noticed any unfavourable changes or developments of any new spots on your skin after starting any new medication.

– Vitiligo:-

Vitiligo is a condition that is characterised by the loss of skin pigmentation in patches.
The exact cause of vitiligo is not fully understood but it’s believed to be a condition in which the body’s immune system attack and destroy the melanocytes, the cell responsible for generating melanin pigment.

– Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation is the condition in which skin produces more melanin than in normal conditions.
This can result in acne, cuts and burns or other skin trauma.
The affected areas look darker than normal healthy skin.

– Melasma

Melasma is a condition that caused brown-greyish patches on the face specifically cheeks, forehead and upper lips.
Melasma is triggered due to sun exposure, environmental influence, hormonal fluctuations and certain medications.

Women with darker skin tones are more prone to melasma.

– Age spots

Age spots also known as liver spots or sun spots are generally harmless and caused by prolonged Exposure to the sun.
Mainly it appears on the face, hands and shoulders.
They are commonly associated with prolonged sun exposure and ageing.

– Acne scarring

Some acne can lead to scars on the skin, which can cause discoloured skin.
These scars generally look like dark patches, and spots and can take a long time to fade.

– Nutritional Deficiencies

Deficiencies of certain types of vitamins such as Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and iron can affect the health of our skin and Discoloration of skin.
A balanced diet rich in nutrients is vital for overall skin health.

– Autoimmune disorder

Certain Autoimmune disorders such as scleroderma or lupus can cause changes in skin pigmentation.
These conditions can disrupt the normal functioning of the immune system, causing various skin-related problems occurring including Discoloration of skin.

– Environmental factors

Exposure to environmental pollutants can have a significant effect on your skin.

These pollutants can result on the skin’s surface, which leads to oxidative stress and can contribute to skin discolouration.

– Chemical exposure

Exposure to specific chemicals that are found in skincare products can significantly impact your skin colour.
Chemicals can penetrate the skin and can disrupt the natural balance of the skin, resulting in pigmentation changes.

– Genetic Factors

Genetic factors can have a significant role in determining an individual’s susceptibility to skin tone.
Some people have a higher predisposition to develop a certain pigmentation disorder due to their genetic disorder.

– Chronic disease

Some chronic diseases such as kidney disease, liver disease or diabetes can cause skin discolouration as a result of the metabolism disorder.

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All about skin discoloration

》Exploring Common Types of Skin Discoloration

Here we will know about various types of skin Discoloration briefly.

1. Melasma: Mask of pregnancy

Melasma generally known as a Mask of pregnancy is a type of skin Discoloration that affect mostly women during hormonal fluctuations such as pregnancy or oral contraceptives( birth control pills).

It appears as dark brown or grey patches on the face, particularly on the cheeks, forehead and upper lips.

2. Hyperpigmentation: Dark spots or patches

Hyperpigmentation is referred to as the darkening of the skin due to an increase in the production of melanin over time.

It can be caused by various factors such as genetic predisposition, hormone fluctuations, pregnancy, periods, puberty and skin injuries etc…

Common forms of Hyperpigmentation are sun spots, age spots and Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation.

3. Hypopigmentation: Lighter and whiten patches

Hyperpigmentation is the opposite of hyperpigmentation.
Hypopigmentation refers to the whitening of the skin or white patches on the skin due to decreased production of Melanin.

It can be caused by vitiligo and some fungal infection.

4. PIH – Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

PIH or Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation is a common type of hyperpigmentation that develop after inflammatory conditions such as acne, eczema or wound.

It appears as dark spots or patches over the skin even after the primary inflammation has healed.
People with darker skin tones are more prone to PIH.

5. Vitiligo: Loss of pigmentation

Vitiligo is a chronic disorder characterised by the loss of pigmentation due to a decrease in the production of melanin.

It occurs when ‘melanocytes’ are destroyed or stop functioning.
Melanocytes are cells which are responsible for producing melanin”.
Well, the Proper cause of vitiligo is still a mystery but it is observed that the body’s immune system attack and destroy the melanocytes.

6. Albinism: A rare genetic disorder

It is a rare genetic disorder that is characterised by a lack of melanin in the skin, eyes and hair.
Anyone with albinism can have very light, or white skin patches on their skin, or hair or even experience visual impairment.
Albinism is life long disorder and requires proper care to protect from sun lentigines or solar lentigo.

7. BirthMark: The Mark we carry from birth

Birthmarks are patches or spots that appear as a mark at the time of birth or just after some time.
They can be vascular or pigmented in nature.

Pigmented birthmarks are results from the overgrowth of pigmented cells and vascular birthmarks are results from the abnormal blood vessels near the skin’s surface.

Don’t worry if you have birthmarks because mostly it is harmless and can disappear over time.

8. Sunspots: Result of Sun Exposure

Sunspots also known as liver spots or solar lentigines or age spots ate dark, tan and flat or black spots that appeared on sun Exposure areas of the body such as the face, hands, arms etc…

Sunspots are caused by prolonged Exposure to the sun’s Ultraviolet Rays, which can stimulate melanin and overproduction of melanin can give a dark brown appearance to the skin.

9. Age spots: Signs of ageing

Age spots also known as liver spots or senile lentigines are also similar to sunspots they are flat, brown and grey spots that will appear on the areas that are exposed to the sun such as the shoulder, face and hands.

10. Acne scars:

Acne scars are a Discoloration of skin that can appear after prolonged acne.

It can appear in the form of pigmented spots, redness or indentations in the skin.

11. Rosacea: Continues Redness

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that is characterized by continuous redness, flushing and sometimes small, pus-filled bumps on the face.

Rosacea commonly affects the central part of the face that is the nose, chin, Cheeks and forehead.
The exact reason for rosacea is not known, but some triggers of rosacea are sunlight, food and stress.

12. Dark circles: Shadow under Eye.

Dark circles, also known as periorbital hyperpigmentation refer to darkened areas under the eyes.
The main cause of dark circles is lack of sleep, genetics, ageing, allergies or thin skin.
Dark circles can make a person look tired or old but some remedies are available such as adequate sleep, topical Creams and a healthy lifestyle.

13. Chloasma: The mask of pregnancy

Chloasma is similar to melasma as it is a type of skin Discoloration that occurs during pregnancy.
It appears as dark blotchy patches over the forehead, upper lips and cheeks.

It is caused by the overproduction of melanin and hormonal fluctuations.

》Symptoms of Skin Discoloration

Skin Discoloration can manifest in various ways and being able to understand signs and symptoms can help to gain particular treatment options.
These are the sign and symptoms that may have to look to understand Discoloration.

Pigmented Patches

Dark or light patches on the skin that are standout from the surrounding areas.
These patches may be flat, dark, brown or grey and Freckles

Small concentrated areas of pigmentation appear as small dots or specs on the skin.
They can be darker or lighter than surrounding skin areas.


Irregular patches or areas of uneven colour distribution on the skin.
The skin has inconsistent texture.

Redness or Flushing

Continuously Redness or Flushing particularly on the face, which may be accompanied by warmth and discomfort.


This is the excessive production of melanin that caused darker skin or dark spots.
This may be triggered by prolonged sun Exposure.


This is due to the lesser production of melanin causing lighter or white patches.

Patchy or uneven skin tone

Overalls unevenness or inconsistency in skin colour and texture.
This can give a blotchy or patchy appearance.

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

Dark spots or Discoloration that remain after inflammatory conditions such as acne, eczema and rash have healed.

Colour changes around scars

Altered pigmentation in the area surrounding the scars, may look whiter or darker.

Changes in the eyes areas

Dark circles or black shadows can give a tired or older appearance.

》Diagnosis of Skin Discoloration

Here are some common approaches that can be used to determine Skin Discoloration.

Physical Examination

A thorough examination is conducted to assess to extent and nature of the skin
Doctors will check the colour, texture, size of pigmentation, extent, distribution and any other symptoms.

Medical history

The doctor will take any medical history that accompanied skin Discoloration such as Medications, any underlying skin conditions, the patient’s overall health, family history, exposure to allergens and any recent trauma.

Review of symptoms

The Doctor will inquire about any symptoms related to skin discolouration such as itching, pain, inflammation or change in skin sensations.


Photographs can be taken to compare the previous and recent pigmentation conditions of the skin.
This will help to track results and can help in selecting the best treatment.


In some cases, lab-test may be required to aid the diagnosis. These tests can be blood tests, skin biopsies, or cultures to check for underlying medical conditions, infections or abnormalities in the skin.

Allergic Testing

Allergy testing may be recommended to identify whether it is caused by any allergic reactions. Patch test or blood test may be identified to specific allergens that may be triggering the Discoloration.

Wood’s Lamp Examination

A wood Lamp that emits Ultraviolet light, may be used to examine the skin under any specific light.
It will help to identify certain pigment-related conditions such as Vitiligo or fungal infections.

Skin biopsies

In some cases, if the cause of the skin Discoloration is unclear, then a sample of the skin is taken by a doctor to examine under a microscope to see any structural or cellular abnormalities.

》When to see doctors

While some cases of skin Discoloration may be resolved on their own by over-the-counter medication or remedies, however, it is important to consult a dermatologist to ensure the required treatment.

Sudden or severe changes

If you see sudden changes in the skin texture, darkness, whiteness or any other concerns it is advisable to consult a dermatologist.

Persistent or worsening Discoloration

If you face persistent or worsening skin Discoloration after taking home remedies or over-the-counter medication, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional.

Associated Symptoms

If skin Discoloration is accompanied by any other symptoms of skin such as itching, pain or Discomfort then it is important to seek medical help.

Unexplained Discoloration

If the cause of the skin Discoloration is unclear then it is recommended to seek medical help. The doctor will assess your physical examination and medical history to suggest you best treatment options.

Impact on emotional well-being

If the skin Discoloration is affect your emotional well-being, emotions and body image it is important to seek medical help.

History of skin cancer

If you have a history of skin cancer or precancerous disease then it is always recommended to see a doctor’s help.

Remember a qualified and experienced professional can help to diagnose and recommend the most accurate treatment options for your specific queries.


Skin Discoloration is a common concern that may affect individuals of all ages and backgrounds.
While it is not a harmful condition but it can easily affect a person’s self-esteem and with consistent care, attention and knowledge confidence.

Skin Discoloration may have various causes ranging from hormonal changes to sun damage to genetic disorders.

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