Understanding Platelet count : 10 best foods to Increase platelet count And More.

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Platelets count Unveiled: Effective ways to increase your platelet count…

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Today we discussed about What is the Platelet and why it is important for our blood.

Understand how Platelet count is important…

》What is the Platelet:-

Platelets are the smallest components of your blood that control bleeding.
Platelets were discovered by G. Bizzozero in 1882 and rediscovered in 1960 after many years of oblivion.

During the 1960s many scientists are interested to know about Platelet count and how it is important in blood for adhesion and aggregation.

Another, Name for platelets is the ‘Thrombocytes’ and usually, lab testers or health care providers called platelets clot a ‘Thrombus’.

One Platelet is made and circulated in blood streams and lives for 8 to 10 days.
Platelet cluster together to form a clot and prevent bleeding at the site of injury.

What is platelets
What is Platelet count

Platelets count is the lab test to count how many Platelets you have in your blood.
Platelets are smaller components than red and white blood cells.
Platelets are made in the bone marrow along with the white blood cells and red blood cells.

》Function of Platelets:-

According to the NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE, there are important and less-known Four functions of the platelets are given below.

These are the basic details of the functions of the platelets and if you want to know more then click HERE.

1.- The primary role or function of platelets is to maintain the healthy flow of blood in the blood vessel and hemostasis.

2.-  Major function of Platelets is to stop bleeding.
At the site of injury, platelet will form a clot to stop the bleeding and our body, not losses much blood.

What is Platelet count and function of platelet count
What is Platelet count and function of platelet count

3.- Platelets have been used in blood samples, platelets can move foreign bacteria and viruses along with them.
So, we can identify how we can give treatment to the patients.

4.- Another,  Important bit less known function of the platelets is it releases micro-particles in the blood.
Nearly, 95% of the micro-particle are thought to be derived from platelets, because micro-particles may contain genetic material( like mRNA, miRNA), enzymes, proteins and small molecules.

》Range Of Platelets:- Normal Platelets, Thrombocytopenia and Thrombocytosis.

Well originally, Normal platelets count is different for young adults and women.

From the range of the platelets, we can decide how your blood will stop to lose during injuries.

# Normal range:-

A normal range of platelets is counted between 1,50000 To 4,50000 per microliter of blood.
Well, this count can be different in ladies that is 1,57000 to 3,71000.

# Trombocytosis:-

If your blood contains above the normal range of platelets count that is  ‘Platelets count >4,50000’ then it is known as “Thrombocytopenia” disorder of platelets counts.

# Thrombocytopenia:-

If your blood contains below the normal range of platelets count that is Platelets count < 1,50000′ then it is known as “Thrombocytosis” disorder of the platelets count.

You can get your platelets to count from the normal test of blood called CBCT- COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT TEST.


           Thrombocytosis is the disorder of the platelets count i.e. If the platelets count is rich above the normal range of platelets count that is more than 4,50000 it is known as Thrombocytosis.

When your body makes more and more platelets then your blood becomes richer in platelets.

Too many platelets can increase the risk of stroke, heart attack and abnormal clots of blood vessels.


         Thrombocytosis is the disorder of the platelets count i.e., if platelets count below the normal range of platelets count that is less than 1,5000 then it is known as Thrombocytopenia.

People with thrombocytopenia can have difficulty stopping blood loss during injuries and have an autoimmune disease.

》Different Causes for the low count:-

There are most important and general reasons for low blood count are given below.

– Alcoholism.
– Bacterial infection.
– Chemical exposure.
– Bone marrow disease i.e, anaemia or cancer.
– kidney infection.
– Side effects of medication.
– Chemotherapy drugs.
– Radiation therapy.

What is Platelet count
Cause of low platelets count

》Symptoms of Platelets conditions:-

There are several platelet conditions are given below.

– Heavy Menstrual Period.
– Severe Headache.
– Dizziness.
– Tingling in Feet.
– Muscle Pain.
– Joint Pain.
– Internal bleeding.
– Frequently Nose bleeding.
– Blood in the urine.
– Blood in gums.
– Excessive blood in the small wound.

Note:- It is not necessary that if you found these symptoms frequently then it would compulsory symptoms of platelets symptoms.

》Test For Platelets Conditions:-

These three types of platelet condition test that show whether the platelets is healthy or not are given below.

1. CBC- Complete Blood Count:-

This test is an important blood test that shows ‘how many Platelets and blood cells are circulating throughout your body.

These tests evaluate the overall health of platelets and count the number of diseases and conditions.

2. Platelets count:-

Your healthcare provider will use the sample of your blood to evaluate the number of platelets that are present in your blood.

3. Bone Marrow Biopsy:-

Your healthcare provider will remove the sample of bone marrow to examine how is healthy your cells where platelets form.

》Treatment of platelets conditions:-

Well, These treatments are prescribed by healthcare providers or specialists, and they suggest the below treatment.

– Receiving Blood Transfusion.
– Taking Antibiotics.
– Undergoing surgery to remove the spleen.
– Taking a low dose of aspirin regularly.

》Increase Platelet count:-

Certain conditions can Reduce the platelet count which can be dangerous for our body as it leads to difficulty in Stop Bleeding and other Severe conditions.

If you are undergoing the condition of mild thrombocytopenia then these tricks can work for you and you can increase your platelets but if you fall in the category of severe thrombocytopenia then we recommend medical treatment to avoid any complications.

To know the best methods and foods to increase your plate count you can check HERE.

How to increase platelet count | Definition, Range, 10+ food’s to Platelets count, Nutrients, Supplements, Closure.


Platelets are tiny but important blood cells in blood to reduce bleeding.

Maintaining a Platelet count is important to reduce losses of blood during injuries.
A lower Platelet can be treated by taking some special food and taking treatment of Thrombocytopenia.

Platelets count is the lab test to determine the condition of platelets and whether is it healthy or not.

》People also want to know:- 

Thrombocytopenia: Definition, Causes, Symptoms, 4+ Proven Treatment, Range, Closure.

Thrombocytosis | Definition, 9 Causes, Symptoms, Proven Treatment, Range, Closure.

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